The hardest sell of essential oils for me was located right in my house with my husband.
Yep, he was and is still at times a skeptic, it's just his nature and I love him for it anyway.
But I look at it on the bright side, when he calls them snake oils and then they work I get to say,
“I told you so!”
Ah the sweet victories of little battles.
What's even better is when one of his friends becomes a true believer in how great oils can be. I get to hear them brag a little about how they are so glad that I introduced these little bottles of goodness to their wives.
Again ladies it's about the win, and some days it's just fun to win isn't.
*This post contains affiliate links to the essential oils and other products I talk about in the post.
In my quest to win over my husband's heart not only for oils but because on occasion it's just nice to surprise him with a little something.
I came up with this Beard Oil Recipe. Now my husband CAN NOT, I repeat, bless his heart, CAN NOT grow a beard.
He is a man's man, kind of a lumberjack farmer sort.
He works outside 90% of the time so I knew I needed to create something woodsy and something that would condition.
Being out in the weather can be rough on a man's face. After using this oil blend for two months he has the nicest softest beard he has ever grown in his 45 years!
Yep I have on my hands a bearded happy husband.
- Get a clean 2 oz amber dropper bottle
- Add drops of your favorite essential oil into the bottle
- Fill the bottle with a carrier oil like grape seed to just below the neck, saving room for the glass dropper.
This beard oil can be applied after a shower or really any time of the day.
To apply beard oil, fill dropper with beard oil and place a dime to nickel size amount in to the palm of your hand.
Gently apply the beard oil to your beard making sure to also massage some into your skin. Brush through your beard to help move oil.
Beard oil can be left in all day.
So check out this easy Beard Oil recipe using two of the kit oils plus a few other great oils.
This recipe is formulated for a 2% dilution which is the safe amount for skin care products.
2 Drops Lavender
3 Drops Frankincense
3 drops Cedarwood
3 drops Orange (this is a photosensitve oil so in the summer months I would omit this oil from the recipe to avoid chemical burns from the sun)
Carrier oil to fill the rest of the 2oz bottle leaving room for the dropper. the amount needed will be about 1.5 oz
Now about the bottle- I made that label up on the fly.
We have nicknamed my husband “big daddy”.
One day when my daughter first started preschool he took her for the first time. When he walked in the class, one of the little girls looked up and said, “You've got a big daddy.” lol
Out of the mouths of babies. I guess his standing at 6ft and my 4'10 he did look huge to that little girl.
I like using Dropper Bottles for this recipe. Just makes it easier for him to put a few drops in his hands and then rub in.
Get your dropper bottles – HERE
I used Grape seed oil for my carrier oil. Jojoba and Almond oils are also great options.
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Check out these other guy inspired Post-
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Would you love the chance to find someone to help mentor you through the process?
What if I told you I would help you for FREE!
I'd love the opportunity to walk you through essential oils and help you choose the best oils to use for you. When you purchase a Premium Starter kit through me you will receive Free one on one mentoring from me to help you get comfortable and using essential oils in your life. I promise by the time we are done you will be a rockstar user of essential oils!
The above recipes are made using Young Living Essential oils. They are the only essential oils I trust to use on my family. The reason I use only Young Living is pure and simple, I know the quality that goes into Young Living oils. I only want the best and purest to use on my family and Young Living Guarantees that with their Seed to Seal pledge. If you are new to essential oils or have been using different brands, I'd love the chance to introduce you to Young Living essential oils. Let me help you get started on a healthier lifestyle for you and your family. To find out more, I'd love for you to check out my post on
Let's get your hands on this box of awesomeness. Click here to get your Premium Starter Kit now!
How to get started with Essential Oils
It's a fun and informative post about how this normal, plain jane mom got started with essential oils and how you can too! check it out here- How to get started with Essential Oils.
So you don't have a kit yet? Well I'd love to help you get your hands on this box of awesomeness. Click here to get your Premium Starter Kit now!
I hope once you try this you will leave me a comment and tell me how it has rocked your world too!

Wednesday 3rd of January 2018
Love this idea! One question, there any concern with the photosensitivity of the orange oil? My husband is also a farmer and am concerned if he uses it in the morning before he goes outside to work. Thanks!
Friday 26th of January 2018
My husband works outside on our farm too. So far, he hasn't had any issues but he mainly uses this serum in the winter months. If you are worried about the Orange oil you can definitely omit it and the serum will still work great.
Friday 2nd of June 2017
Would this work as well in a roll-on glass bottle or is it best for the dropper bottle?
Monday 12th of June 2017
Allison, great question. I it would work in a roller but I find it easier to use a dropper bottle for this type of application. I tried my skin serum at first in a roller but got frustrated with trying to control the amount and switched to the dropper. Let me know if the roller works for you.Thanks, Ruth
Sunday 21st of May 2017
Hello! I love you blog and am just getting into oils!
Do you think this would work for thinning hair? My husbands hair is thinning (his beard is thick and fuller than ever though haha).
Thursday 25th of May 2017
Hey Meagan, You can make a "hair spray" with oils and water that will help support healthy hair growth. I have several friends who swear by it. 2 drops cedarwood and 2 drops rosemary mix in a 2 oz spray bottle and fill with water. spritz scalp twice a day. Hope this helps!
Tuesday 21st of February 2017
Hi Ruth, Does this just get rubbed into the hair of the beard? How often also? My 23 year old son is trying to grow more of a beard and my husband's beard could certainly be softer too. I don't like scratchy kisses, lol. Thanks so much, Lauri I've been in Young Living for about 3 years now :-)
Tuesday 21st of February 2017
Hi Lauri! Yes it gets rubbed into the beard. It takes just a few drops to help soften the beard. I want to say my husband applies it just in the morning after his shower as part of his morning routine. That's awesome about how long you have been with YL. I really like their products.
Wednesday 11th of January 2017
Why did you use grape oil instead of V6? Will it work differently with the V6?
Wednesday 11th of January 2017
Hi Junie, It should work just the same with the V6. I choose to use Grapeseed oil mainly because I can buy it locally and I go through a good about of Carrier oil! Thanks for your question. I hope my answer clarifies things for you. Ruth