Using Essential Oils Safely
Have you ever wondered “am I using Essential oils safely?”
Let me start by saying, I am no Essential Oil Safety expert.
What I am, is an overprotective, helicopter kind of mom. Yeah, we get a bad rep and I'm trying hard to back down.
But when it comes to Essential Oils and my family, I want to make sure I use them safely and effectively.
When I first started with essential oils not to long ago, one thing I searched for and found hard to find was some sort of mom's guide to Essential Oil Safety and uses. Just something short and sweet, and to the point.
I'm a busy mom, and finding time to wade thru the scientific and not so scientific advice out there for essential oils was frustrating. Unfortunately, even though essential oils have been around forever, there is no true governing body to tell us what is safe to use. Don't get me wrong, there are some amazing experts out there.
One essential oil expert I strongly suggest you checking out is Robert Tisserand. He has a great book called, “Essential Oil Safety: A guide for Healthcare Professionals“.
Yeah it's one of those big books full of information, but as you begin to use essential oils and find them making such amazing changes in your life in just simple ways, the next step will be to want to expand your knowledge and anything Robert Tisserand says you know it has been researched and is is safe.
He also has a great website I go to often to read the latest news in Essential Oil Safety.
Another Great book that I highly recommend for using Essential oils safely with babies and pregnant moms is “Gentle Babies Essential Oils and Natural Remedies for Pregnancy, Childbirth, Infants and Young Children”
by Debra Raybern
But for those times you don't want to go digging thru a big thick book to insure your using Essential oils safely, I've put together “A Busy Mom's cheat sheet to essential oils for kids“. It's a great 1 page, easy to print out pdf, of some of the most important using Essential oils safely information you need for kids. I made it a simple one pager with minimal graphics so it doesn't zap the ink from your printer and so you can quickly print and keep a copy handy for when you need it.
Here is a list of the info will you find on the-
Busy Mom's cheat sheet to essential oils for kids
Ways to use Essential Oils
Carrier Oils
Essential Oils that are NOT SAFE for Children
Essential Oils that ARE SAFE for Children
Essential Oils to AVOID during Pregnancy, Labor and Breastfeeding
Phototoxic Oils
Disclaimer- I am not a health Care professional or a certified aromatherapist. I made this sheet as a starting point to help you in your own research. This is not to be taken as medical advice. Please do your own thorough research before using essential oils on your family.
Fill out our email signup form to get the download link to the PDF and start educating yourself on using Essential oils safely. I promise you will be glad you did!
Enter your info below to get your free Essential Oil Safety Cheat Sheet, NOW!
Would you love the chance to find someone to help mentor you through the learning essential oils?
What if I told you I would help you for FREE!
I'd love the opportunity to walk you through essential oils and help you choose the best oils to use for you. When you purchase a Premium Starter kit through me you will receive Free one on one mentoring from me to help you get comfortable and using essential oils in your life. I promise by the time we are done you will be a rockstar user of essential oils!
Young Living Essential oils are the only essential oils I trust to use on my family. The reason I use only Young Living is pure and simple, I know the quality that goes into Young Living oils. I only want the best and purest to use on my family and Young Living Guarantees that with their Seed to Seal pledge. If you are new to essential oils or have been using different brands, I'd love the chance to introduce you to Young Living essential oils. Let me help you get started on a healthier lifestyle for you and your family. To find out more, I'd love for you to check out my post on
How to get started with Essential Oils
It's a fun and informative post about how this normal, plain jane mom got started with essential oils and how you can too! check it out here- How to get started with Essential Oils.
So you don’t have a kit yet? Well I’d love to help you get your hands on this box of awesomeness. Click here to get your Premium Starter Kit now! or see the button below.
I hope once you download this Free PDF of Essential Oil safety tips, I hope you will let me know how you like it!
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Are you using essential oils safely on your family? Essential Oil safety cheat sheet for busy moms. a free printable safety cheat sheet for essential oil use with kids and pregnant moms. YL member # 3177383

9 Easy Ways You Can Easily Use Essential Oils - By Oily Design
Thursday 12th of April 2018
[…] Usage and Safety […]
Roxanne Joyce A. Javier
Saturday 17th of March 2018
Hello! Just confirmed the subscription and got the message "Subscription confirmed! Boom! You're officially confirmed and on the list. Expect some great emails headed your way very soon." PDF link for the “A Busy Mom's cheat sheet to essential oils for kids“... I guess my subscription didn't go through? Really love this info sheet, hopefully I can download it for free.
Thank you so much! <3 Joizee
Monday 19th of March 2018
Hey! did the email with the link come through? My email company was having issues if not let me know and I can manually send it to you. Thanks for subscribing.
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