Essential Oil Guide
Get started with Essential Oils by joining me and my tribe of mom's just like you. By Oily Design is here to make figuring this whole essential oil thing out easy and we are here to help you fall in love with oils!
Ever wondered where to buy essential oils or even how to buy them?
Do you buy Essential Oils one at a time or Do you buy a kit?
This post will answer some of those questions, giving you the steps I took to buy essential oils and how I got started with Essential Oils. Plus make sure you download our FREE Essential Oil Beginner Questions Answered Guide. Trust me you will be glad you did!

This post originally was going to be a cut and dry “how to” post, but as I got to writing, it evolved into a glimpse of me, just a plain Jane mom and how I got started with oils.
So get ready I'm posting real-life pictures and stuff here.
But the takeaway, is I want you to realize that mom's just like me and you are using oils and loving them and so can you!
So you've seen Essential Oils on Pinterest.
Do you have that shiny object syndrome like me?? ohh look at those cute little bottles….. Let me pin that!
You've seen Essential Oils in upscale stores. I'm telling you, I've spent way too much time sniffing those tester bottles that I think I got high once… just kidding or maybe not 😉
You may even have friends or family that you hear use them.
But, if you are like me, when I first thought about trying Essential oils I had no idea, of how to get started with Essential Oils.
Sure I could buy them off the rack in that Awesome upscale food store that makes me super crazy hungry for stone-fired pizza and gourmet desserts.
Or I could order some off of Amazon, you know cause I'm a prime member and I'm all about some free shipping. But I always held off, because can I just be honest?
When you're new to this whole Essential Oil thing the whole process can be confusing and overwhelming.
I totally get it.
You may have heard me talk about how I researched Essential Oils for three years, YES 3 Yrs before I finally purchased my first Essential Oil. (I admit to a little bit of over kill on my part, but I'm a cautious momma)
How I got started with Essential Oils

My first Essential Oil purchase was the Young Living Premium Starter kit. That's it right there. The kit that started it all!
Do you know what is awesome?
Since I bought my premium starter kit, Young Living has updated the starter kit to be absolutely even more amazing. Same price great price but more oils, a more awesome diffuser and even a big sample of their famous Thieves Cleaner.
Isn't the new kit pretty? and the diffuser, the Desert Mist is my all-time favorite diffuser.

Why did I purchase from Young Living and not from one of the options I mentioned above?
I've got a couple of great reasons I could go into, but the biggest reason for me was I knew of a mom who was just like me and she was using Young Living and she was LOVING using her oils.
Did you get that part where I said, She was just like me!
She was not some mom who has it all together or a mom who is a hipster with this perfect life or a hippy, earth-loving green mom.
Not that those moms are wrong, but they aren't me.
Nope, she is a “normal” mom just like me who has crazy days, a messy house and kids that scream and cry.
A mom like me that would love to create a perfect life for my family but I'm realistic and realize that hey, I can handle the small ways of creating a healthier life for my family but I doubt I could succeed in perfection.
And quite honestly I don't have the energy to be perfect. Thank you baby #2 who doesn't like to sleep.
After that long diatribe, I hope you realize I'm not a super mom. I'm just like you and that means that you too can figure out this whole essential oil thing.
Luckily I've made it easy for you, I have created a system to make this essential oil thing work for you. I'm going to share more about my system and how you get can get it later.
But I think you should also know, I have a background in public health and project management.
I get excited over creating simple systems that have a huge impact on health and wellness.
Back in my Public Health days, the CDC gave me a 1/2 million dollar grant to create a system for my state and the state matched the funding. It was a system I dreamed up one day at work and within a year we had it working statewide and changing the whole way we viewed monitoring public health.
I used that same knowledge of creating systems to create the system I now use with essential oils.
I imagine you're saying okay, but “How do I get started?”
My suggestion is, to begin with strategic baby steps.
How you can get started with Essential Oils

My steps for you to get started with Essential Oils-
1- Download our Essential Oil Beginner Guide
I created this guide with you in mind. It's the questions I see over and over from mom's.
The guide takes seconds to download and probably 5 minutes to read.
I made it a fast and simple read because I know moms are typically juggling a million things and you want info fast.
So go sign up for the guide, I will wait right here and then we can move on to the next baby steps.
Got your guide?
Now take a few minutes and read through the ESSENTIAL OIL BEGINNERS QUESTIONS GUIDE. It's going to answer so many questions for you. Then come back here because there is more!
Great you are back! Now for the next steps
2-Purchase a Premium Starter Kit & Enroll in essential rewards
As the guide pointed out, I would get started with Essential Oils by purchasing a premium starter kit where the top most used Young Living Essential oils are available for you to use and try.
The Premium Starter Kit comes with 12 oils, a beautiful diffuser, plus a large sample of Young Livings popular Thieves Household Cleaner.
You are going to flip over this cleaner trust me.
Buying the Premium Starter Kit also gives you the Young Living Wholesale membership so you can save 24% on future orders.
Want an insider tip?
I tell all my friends to get the Desert Mist Diffuser. Why? Because it is super pretty and the functions for this diffuser are amazing
The Young Living Premium Starter Kit kit has the capability to help with your family's wellness, stress, bedtime, cleaning, purification and lots of other cool stuff.
When you buy your kit you are going to want to sign up for Essential Rewards.
Trust me, when you sign up for Essential Rewards you get a lot of amazing FREE stuff and you can cancel your Essential Rewards participation anytime.
Joining essential oils at sign up gets you some big savings. 1st you get whatever the Young Living ER 100pv promo is that month. Typically it's free oil. Plus you get 10 Essential Rewards points that you can use for getting more free products.
But the biggest reason I stress signing up for Essential Rewards is that you are going to want to put a system in place to make essential oils work for you. And Essential Rewards along with your new Young Living wholesale account is going to help you save money.
I totally understand your hesitation in signing up for ER. I had a huge hang-up over it too. I was scared I would get stuck getting some monthly shipment of crap I didn't want. But with ER that is not the case. You pick out what goes in your monthly box and no one else and you can cancel at anytime no questions asked.
But back to the kit, when Young Living put together this amazing premium starter kit, they took away all the confusion of trying to figure out what oils to buy first.
They made it easy for us busy moms to get started with essential oils and have what we need in one place.
So second step- Buy a premium Starter kit and sign up for Essential Rewards.
3- Diffuse
Next, Once your kit arrives I would start using Essential Oils by diffusing them. It's the easiest simplest way to give them ago. When you purchase the Premium Starter kit it comes with a diffuser. Like I said earlier my favorite is the desert mist.
Diffusing is so easy and FUN!
If you can count to 2 which if you're reading this I bet you can and if you have the ability to pour water you can diffuse. See I told you it was easy.
I would start with diffusing something as simple as Lemon or Lavender. Just a couple of drops and some water and you are a diffusing expert. For a diffusing 101 check out this past Post: Making Scents! Diffusing Essential Oils 101 for the busy mom!
and just so you know this bedroom is only clean because it took me hours to get it this way. 5 mins later it was a disaster area. oh, well that is my real life!
4- Use them Topically
Another way to get started using essential oils is to use them topically. I know this is where it gets sort of scary for the first time user but I promise it's not.
Several of the oils in this kit can be used “neat”. Do what??
"Neat" is oil speak for straight out of the bottle. I would suggest taking a drop or two of Lavender and rubbing it on your feet at bedtime. Hello bedtime! Got a tired muscle from picking up kids all day, try a couple of drops of panaway on it. See easy peasy!
5- Create some Rollers for On The GO use
Are you ready for a little fun? Next, I would try making up a few Roller Bottles using your kit oils.
(If you purchase your kit from me, I will send you an essential oil recipe book full of great recipes! I also cover this step by step in my 5 day email course I send to all my new members)
Now I have to admit my addiction. I have a TON of roller bottles.

Here is the thing.
If you have to mix up oils each time you need them, guess what?
As a busy mom you will NEVER, I repeat you will NEVER EVER use them.
But, if you mix up some rollers for your top reasons you need or want essential oils, you will find that they are way easier to reach for and use than other options.
Need some great ideas for Rollers to make.
Check out these post-
5 useful roller bottle recipes for kids that prepared moms have to make life blissful.
A busy mom's springtime wellness roller.
6- Create some DIY home cleaning products
You know that Thieves Cleaner sample you got with the premium starter kit. You need to make several bottles of cleaner with it. the cleaning power and the amazing smell will rock your world and have you Ditching the toxic cleaners you currently use for all things Thieves!
Another get started tip is to make a spray bottle with a room scent.
Once you smell a mix like Citrus Fresh and Peace & Calming and use it as your room spray you will be hooked.
Now that I have been using essential oils, anytime a smell one of the commercial type room sprays that I use to be addicted to they make me sick.
I love the light airy scent of oils. And they have therapeutic effects too.
For a great room spray check out this post- A busy mom's way to neutralize the diaper smell.
If this spray mix can kill diaper smell you know it can make your house smell amazing!

So as you can see, it really is easy to get started using oils. They key is putting them to good use.
I think the ultimate key to success with starting and using oils is selecting someone like me to be your enroller and to purchase your starter kit from.
When you purchase a starter kit, you want to get it from someone who will be there for you long after the sale.
My ultimate goal is not to sell you a kit, but to help you fall in love with Essential Oils and to incorporate them into your life in whatever capacity you envision.
When I'm your enroller I want to share with you the essential oil system I use for my family's wellness plan and help you incorporate a wellness plan fitted for your needs too.
Would you love the chance to find someone to help mentor you through the process?
What if I told you I would help you for FREE!
I'd love the opportunity to walk you through essential oils and help you choose the best oils to use for you. When you purchase a Premium Starter kit through me you will receive Free one on one mentoring from me to help you get comfortable and using essential oils in your life. I promise by the time we are done you will be a rockstar user of essential oils!
Let's get your hands on this box of awesomeness. Click here to get your Premium Starter Kit now!

So you don't have a kit yet? Well I'd love to help you get your hands on this box of awesomeness. Click here to get your Premium Starter Kit now!
DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living essential oils. The statements made and the products mentioned on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.Please read the full disclaimer here

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