Have you ever met a Foaming Hand Soap snob?
Back in my pre-mommy and pre essential oil days, I worked for the state health department. One thing that I took away from my 6 plus years with working in the health industry was an obsession of washing my hands. Seriously, I wash my hands all the time, which has turned me into a foaming hand soap snob.
I admit it. I’m a hand soap snob.
I loved expensive scented hand soaps. At any given time, I probably had half a dozen different scented soaps hanging around in the bathrooms and kitchen of my house.
One of my all-time favorites is the Winter Forest hand soap by William Sonoma. They use to sell it only around the winter holidays. Each year as a Christmas gift to myself I would buy a huge bottle.
Other favorites for me were, Rosemary Mint and Lemon
But now that I'm embracing a healthier lifestyle and I'm going frugal, I like to make my own DIY essential oil foaming hand soaps.
*This post contains affiliate links to the essential oils and other products I talk about in the post.
3 amazing DIY Foaming Hand Soap Recipes
In this post, I’m going to share with you recipes for each of the three soaps. Plus, I’m going to share a top secret tip that I’m really not sure if anyone else in the world but me knows. It’s one of those aha moments that made a huge difference in my DIY foaming hand soap.
Now that Essential Oils are apart of my life, I’ve found a great way to get my special hand soap in a more inexpensive way.
What I love about essential oils is that you can make some pretty darn amazing foaming hand soaps with just a little castile soap, water, essential oils and a dispenser.
Save money on Foaming Dispensers
Seeing I can at times be thrifty, I was smart enough to save up several of my old foaming hand soap dispensers and I am creating my DIY foaming hand soap with essential oils in those.
But fear not, if you don’t have some old dispensers hanging about you can buy empty foaming hand soap dispensers pretty inexpensively.
I know that essential oils can after a while eat away at any non-hospital grade plastic, so in the future, I’d love to purchase some glass foaming hand soap dispensers. For now, I’m pretty happy with what I’m using.
Basic Foaming Hand Soap Recipe
Basic DIY foaming hand soap recipe
So here is the base recipe- (you may have to tweak this recipe depending on how big your foaming hand soap dispenser is)
½ Cup of Bronner's Castile soap (you can buy it here)
½ Cup water (distilled or boiled if you don't plan to use the soap within a few weeks)*
1tsp of Dawn dish detergent ** (yes this is my secret ingredient. You can buy it here)
20-30 drops of your favorite essential oils (get your oils here)
My favorite soap blends recipes
Winter Forest-
10 drops YL Evergreen Essence
10 drops YL Northern Lights Black Spruce
Rosemary Mint-
15 drops YL Rosemary
10 drops YL Peppermint
25 drops of YL Lemon
- In a mason jar or recycled soap dispenser, add the water first (to prevent bubbles) then the liquid castile soap, followed by the oils. Shake the ingredients together.
- Before each use lightly shake the bottle to distribute the oils and soap. Apply to hands and rinse with water.
The Tools I use for this DIY-
*The hand soap in my house gets used up very quickly. Typically every two weeks I’m making a new batch. If your hand soap may last more than a couple of weeks I would suggest using distilled water in making this recipe. That way there is less of a chance for bacteria to begin to grow in your soap.
**I started using the Dawn when I kept forgetting to buy glycerine to help with sudsing. Seeing I always have dawn on hand I’ve just kept using it as a substitute. If you prefer to use glycerine you can get it here.
***Essential Oils- Feel free to try all sorts of Essential Oil blends. You never know what you can come up with that will smell amazing. For smaller kids, I would avoid using Peppermint oil as it could cause irritation to their gentle skin.
Would you love the chance to find someone to help mentor you through the process?
What if I told you I would help you for FREE!
I'd love the opportunity to walk you through essential oils and help you choose the best oils to use for you. When you purchase a Premium Starter kit through me you will receive Free one on one mentoring from me to help you get comfortable and using essential oils in your life. I promise by the time we are done you will be a rockstar user of essential oils!
The above recipes are made using Young Living Essential oils. They are the only essential oils I trust to use on my family. The reason I use only Young Living is pure and simple, I know the quality that goes into Young Living oils. I only want the best and purest to use on my family and Young Living Guarantees that with their Seed to Seal pledge. If you are new to essential oils or have been using different brands, I'd love the chance to introduce you to Young Living essential oils. Let me help you get started on a healthier lifestyle for you and your family. To find out more, I'd love for you to check out my post on
Let's get your hands on this box of awesomeness. Click here to get your Premium Starter Kit now!
How to get started with Essential Oils
It's a fun and informative post about how this normal, plain jane mom got started with essential oils and how you can too! check it out here- How to get started with Essential Oils.
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A BONUS FREE E-BOOK- Essential Oils Everyday Uses (It is loaded with over 100+ recipes!)
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Available only for those who purchase their Premium Starter Kit through By Oily Design!
Get started with essential oils! Let me help you start out with the young living Premium Starter kit. When purchasing your kit thru me you will receive a Jump start kit (a $15 value) with recipes and everything you need to get started with oils. As a BONUS I will also include The By Oily Design Ebook- Essential Oils Everyday Uses! This new Ebook contains over a 100 tried and tested Essential Oil Recipes to get you started loving and using your oils. The Ebook is ONLY available to By Oily Design Members! byoilydesign.com YL member #3177383
So you don't have a kit yet? Well I'd love to help you get your hands on this box of awesomeness. Click here to get your Premium Starter Kit now!
I hope once you try this you will leave me a comment and tell me how it has rocked your world too!
COPYRIGHT: © Ruth Rackley and By Oily Design, 2015. You may use the URL of this post to share it on social media. You may also use the URL of this post to link to it from another website/blog. However, no part of the text of this post may be copied and used in a social media status update or on another website/blog without prior written permission of the author. You may share the graphics/s associated with this post on social media as long as they are not edited in any way. However, you may not use the graphic/s associated with this post on another website/blog without prior written permission of the author. This post and the graphic/s associated with it may not be printed and distributed without the prior written permission of the author. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material is strictly prohibited.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living essential oils. The statements made and the products mentioned on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please read the full disclaimer here

Essential Oil DIY Handsoap. Christmas Inspired DIY liquid Handsoap. Forrest scented handsoap. Holiday Inspired Handsoap
Sunday 24th of December 2017
Where is the actual recipe?
Wednesday 27th of December 2017
Hey Molly, Sorry about that. I removed a recipe plugin last week and forgot to add the recipe back into the post manually. It should now be there where you can read it. Thanks for reaching out and asking! Ruth
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