Check out my favorite Essential oils for winter wellness hacks
Updated- 10/10/19
This winter has been rough. I feel like my #1 job lately is learning how to prevent the winter yuckies in my family.
To be honest, I’m scared at times to even go on Facebook. I feel like in some weird way I’m pushing my luck.
Everyone around us is feeling rough. Friends, teachers, church members and the list goes on.
You know it’s bad when you're in car line, and for once when you arrive you can see the front of the line.
You give yourself a mental high five! Whoo Hoo! Boom! And a little happy dance because I’m awesome.
Only to realize you accomplished that coveted spot near the front of the line because half the kids are at home. You just won because you had zero competition.
So far….Knock on wood. We have been crazy healthy.
Like I said, here lately my #1 job is learning how to prevent the winter yuck from hitting my family. I’m not saying my family won’t get what’s going around. But, when you have made winter wellness a priority like I have you get excited to see your family benefit from it.
So what am I doing to promote winter wellness? What are my go-to – how to prevent and precautions?
In this post, I’m going to share 7 tips/ hacks to promote winter wellness and my favorite part of this how-to prevent the yuckies post I’m going to share my go-to recipes for winter wellness Essential Oil Roller bottles.
*This post contains affiliate links to the essential oils and other products I talk about in the post. Purchasing them here from my blog is no extra cost to you but I do earn a commission that helps in the cost of running this blog. Thanks for your support!
Here is my list of how to promote winter wellness
#1 Wash your hands all the time
I can’t stress this enough. Even at home, I will wash my hands constantly and I make sure we even sing “Happy Birthday” or another fun short kid song to ensure we are washing them long enough.
If you are looking for a DIY hand washing soap that is great at supporting winter wellness check out this DIY Peppermint and Rosemary Hand Soap Recipe– enhanced with natural Peppermint oil to cleanse and purify hands. Or you can use the bases recipe and mix with Thieves for another great hand soap for winter wellness.
#2 Use Hand Purifier
During those times that hand washing just isn’t available the next best thing till you can find a sink is using Hand Purifier. I’m not a huge fan of commercial hand sanitizers because of all the junk they contain but you can easily make a great DIY hand purifier using aloe and essential oils. Right now I’m loving Young Living’s waterless Hand Purifier it smells amazing and does a great job. Maybe one day soon I will tackle making my own DIY Hand Purifier.

#3 Probiotics- to support gut health
They say the start to good health is in our gut. While my family might not eat the healthiest food all the time, I find supporting our gut is easy with taking Probiotics.
We take a probiotic every single night. Probiotics are awesome for promoting winter wellness because they promote healthy digestion, support gut health, and help maintain normal intestinal function for overall support of a healthy immune system.*
My girls take these chewables and love them. Absolutely no fighting to get them to take them. They actually remind me most nights.
For adults- I’m a huge fan of Young Living’s Life 9™ I’ve tried about 4 different brands of Probiotics and so far these are my favorite. I can really tell a difference in that my gut is way happier when I’m taking these.
Update: Young Living now has a wonderful Kids Prebiotic and Probiotic Supplement called Mightypro. It tastes like a pixy stick and my girls love them.
#4- Making sure we get our Antioxidants in natural ways
Like I said up above, we don’t always have the healthiest diet. Being a busy family sometimes it’s just more convenient to get our good stuff in a quick and easy way. We like to drink a 2oz shot of Young Living’s NingXia Red each morning.
What is NingXia Red? Well, it’s this great juice that my family really likes that gives us in liquid form the antioxidants our body needs. It’s a quick way to support our energy levels and support overall wellness with powerful antioxidants.*
#5 Give me all the Vitamin C, please
Along with trying to increase our intake of yummy oranges, we are also taking Vitamin C. I'm personally taking the Young Living Super C and it works great. For the girls, I'm using gummy vitamin C.
#6 Using Essential Oils to promote wellness
My favorite go-to hack of all for supporting winter wellness is using my wellness rollers with essential oils.
The below recipes are adult doses and are just suggestions to one of the million ways you can make winter wellness rollers. Feel free to adjust to your liking or comfort level.
I do suggest if you are needing an Essential oil for beginners tip- my suggestion is to start out slow. Apply to a small area to see how your body reacts. When I apply these oils, I may apply them to my spine, feet or chest area but I use them in moderation. A little goes a long way so slathering your body in them can be overkill.
For everyday wellness and support, I use a 10ml bottle at a dilution ratio of 2-3%
For days I feel I could use extra support (short-term use) I will use a 10ml bottle at a dilution ratio of 10-25%
Never made an Essential Oil Roller? Check out this super short video where I show you how I make my favorite roller that is listed below. Bonus to watching this video? You get to see the quirky fun side of me 🙂
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Before I give you the recipes let me explain how I use each roller-
Below are my must-have essential oils rollers for beginner's winter wellness rollers. I won’t be caught without them. Why, because they are targetted support for my Immune and Respiratory systems.
How I use them depends on the Roller because each one is targeted to specific wellness.
Daily Wellness roller– I roll it up and down my spine 1-2 times a day. If I’m around people who could be sick I may use it more.
Immunity Support If I’m beginning to show signs of my wellness going downhill then I switch up to this as a Booster for that extra line of support. I will use this roller 1-2 times a day.
Sniffle or Breathe– If it’s one of the rollers I use for Nasal or chest support then I will use it on my neck or chest area. I typically will use these as needed. They are pretty strong rollers so I don’t use them daily only short-term use.
Cool Down Roller– I will use it as needed and apply to under the arms and on the neck area as needed. Another one of my Short term rollers.
Relax and Rest Roller– When our wellness is compromised one way we can help boost wellness is to stop and allow our bodies to relax and rest. This roller is great for helping soothe tired muscles and relaxes the body for rest. I use this roller as needed and apply it to tired parts of my body.
Essential Oil Roller Bottle supplies
To make I use 10 ml glass roller bottles, I prefer to use the amber bottles with the metal roller tops like these-
Want to create those super cute labels you see on my Essential oil roller bottles? I'm a firm believer in labeling all my Essential oil roller bottles so I know exactly which ones I can use for myself or for my girls. But having pretty labels for my Essential oil roller bottles sure does make it fun. You can create super cute labels using this Cricut Explore Air™ machine“>Cricut cutter.
I add the essential oil to the roller bottle and then fill with grapeseed oil to just below the neck of the roller. Other Carrier oils can be used but I like how thin grapeseed is and how it easily absorbs into the skin.
I also only use Young Living Essential Oils for the below recipes most of these oils are from the YL Premium Starter Kit. Which also includes a diffuser that can be used as a step for winter wellness by diffusing oils. You can check out some fabulous winter wellness diffuser recipes in this post.

Winter Wellness Essential Oil Roller Bottle Recipes
Daily Wellness– 5 drops Thieves + 4 drops Purification – 2% dilution
Immunity Support– 5 drops Thieves + 5 drops Purification + 5 drops Oregano – 4% dilution
Sniffle (nasal support) – 10 drops Lavender + 10 drops Thieves + 10 drops RC- 10-25% dilution for targeted short-term use
Breathe (chest support) – 15 drops RC + 10 drops Ravintsara + 10 drops Lavender + 15 drops Purification- 10-25% dilution for targeted short-term use
Cool down– 10 drops Lemon + 10 drops Thieves + 10 drops Peppermint 10-25% dilution for targeted short-term use
Relax and rest- 20 drops Panaway + 10 drops Lavender – 10-25% dilution for targeted short-term use
Add the Young Living essential oil to the amber essential oil roller bottle and then fill with grapeseed oil to just below the neck of the roller.
These are just my favorite go-to Essential Oils for beginner roller bottle recipes but check out these essential oils below that are also great for winter wellness that you can incorporate into a winter wellness roller.

My last line of prevention-
#7 Avoiding unnecessary contact
I hate becoming a hermit but as much as possible until this wave of junk rolls over I’m sticking close to home.
If I do go out and I see you sneezing in the produce section of the grocery store, just know it’s not that I don’t like you, it’s I don’t like whatever you might be spreading.
I’m also becoming that weird lady who refuses to touch doorknobs, rails or other objects touched by tons of other people. for fear of getting something on my hands. But I figure better safe than sorry.
I hope these 7 winter wellness hacks help you and your family find the amazing winter wellness that we have.
I'd love to hear any tips you might have for avoiding any of this winter yuck so leave me a comment below!
If you like the above winter essential oil recipes for Essential Oils for Cold Weather Wellness I hope you will try out my other essential oil recipe posts! I've lots of free downloadable PDF recipes as part of these post.
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Are you wanting to begin the process of detoxing your home from harmful chemicals? But don't know where to start?
Does the idea of learning all about Essential Oils feel like it's more information than you can handle?
Would you love the chance to find someone to help mentor you through the process? Someone who can help simplify and make learning fun?
What if I told you I would help you for FREE!
Check out my post on Essential Oils for beginners
Click here to get your Premium Starter Kit now!

Friday 4th of January 2019
This is more a question. When I make my roller solutions, it says 2% dilution, or 4% dilution or 10-25% dilution, how much is that % and is the dilution a carrier oil?
Saturday 9th of March 2019
Hey Karen, Sorry for the delay in answering. The dilution is created by adding a carrier oil to the essential oil. the % is the amount of essential oil that is in the solution. So a 2% solution would be made up of 2% essential oil and the other 98% of the solution would be your carrier oil. I hope this helps answer your question.
Essential oils for beginners can be made easy in 5 simple steps - By Oily Design
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