Where to buy essential oils and save money
I've got the inside scoop on how to get started with Young Living Essential oils.
Make sure you read all the way to the bottom of this post to make sure you get ALL the information on where to buy essential oils and how to save money buying your premium starter kit with Young Living.
I promise it's easy! but I know you have questions and I want to make sure I get them all answered.

First off, I'm super proud of you for making such a great step towards your wellness and that of your family. It is a journey that will change your life if you let it. You can read about how I started my journey with essential oils here.
The key is to set yourself up for essential oil success by making sure you do these three things-
1– Pick an essential oil company known for quality. If your thinking of Young Living with their seed to seal guarantee you are on the right track.
2– Pick an enroller that is knowledgeable about oils and is willing to hold your hand through the journey as you learn. If you don't have a friend or family member that is already a distributor for Young Living I'd love the chance to be your enroller! You can sign up here with me as your enroller!
3– Buy your premium starter kit and don't be afraid to dive in and ask your enroller a million questions. I love essential oil education and helping you get started on the right track would be so awesome.
*** Don't be afraid to sign up for Essential Rewards. I was the girl who was so afraid of getting sucked into some monthly program I couldn't get out. But then I realized it was a great way to save money and get lots of free oils. Now when you sign up with premium starter kit as your first Essential Rewards Order you get a free oil! (free oil- changes out monthly)
Check out these beginner essential oil posts to help you get started!
I was so scared at first that I might blow something up or do something really wrong with my essential oils. I figured you might have those same fears too. If you do, check out my post on How to Diffuse Essential Oils and NOT Screw Up. I give you easy tips on how to fix your diffuser mistakes and what not to do.

I'm not sure about you. But I'm a plain jane mom, no hippy momma here. So I was super skeptical I could find simple and easy uses for Essential Oils that were in my comfort zone. In the post, 9 Easy Ways you can easily use Essential Oils, I give plain jane mom ways to use essential oils and have fun with it.
How to get a Young Living Voucher or Coupon Code
Now to share with you about the rare and almost never seen Young Living Voucher/ Coupon codes.
First off they do exist!
Unfortunately, at present, they have all been used up or have expired. The last one seen was awhile back and no one knows when we will be given the opportunity for them again if ever. This makes me so sad.
I so wish I had one to give you.
But Wait, don't give completely up!
You're in luck! I have something even better
For a limited time, because you have found me on this page if you purchase your premium starter kit through me using my number 3177383 as your sponsor and enroller.
I will give you the choice of either a $20 Young Living product credit (so you can buy even more oils after you get your kit) or you can choose the “Let's Get You Started Gift” (a special collection of essential oil must-haves that really help jump start your essential oil LOVE!)
So I might not be able to save you money on the actual kit with a current voucher or coupon code, but I can at least save you money on all the great supplies you will want in the future!
Been waiting for the perfect time to grab your kit? Here it is!!!!
[button_1 text=”Buy%20Your%20Kit%20Now!” text_size=”32″ text_color=”#000000″ text_bold=”Y” text_letter_spacing=”0″ subtext_panel=”N” text_shadow_panel=”Y” text_shadow_vertical=”1″ text_shadow_horizontal=”0″ text_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ text_shadow_blur=”0″ styling_width=”40″ styling_height=”30″ styling_border_color=”#000000″ styling_border_size=”1″ styling_border_radius=”6″ styling_border_opacity=”100″ styling_shine=”Y” styling_gradient_start_color=”#ffff00″ styling_gradient_end_color=”#ffa035″ drop_shadow_panel=”Y” drop_shadow_vertical=”1″ drop_shadow_horizontal=”0″ drop_shadow_blur=”1″ drop_shadow_spread=”0″ drop_shadow_color=”#000000″ drop_shadow_opacity=”50″ inset_shadow_panel=”Y” inset_shadow_vertical=”0″ inset_shadow_horizontal=”0″ inset_shadow_blur=”0″ inset_shadow_spread=”1″ inset_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ inset_shadow_opacity=”50″ align=”center” href=”https://www.byoilydesign.com/Youngliving” new_window=”Y”/]
So the 3 easy steps to save money buying your kit with me as your Young Living Enroller are:
1. Enroll and get your Young Living Premium Starter kit with me as your enroller my number is #3177383
2. Check your email and look for an email from me titled “Welcome to By Oily Design and Young Living“
3. Reply to the By Oily Welcome email that you saw this offer and tell me if you would rather have the product credit or the jump start gift.
**You must remain in my downline with me as your enroller for over 30 days to qualify. 🙂
See how easy it is! And I can't wait to help you get started using and loving your premium starter kit!
Check out this Video where I walk you through the enrollment process. I show you how easy it is to get your premium starter kit.
[video_player type=”youtube” style=”1″ dimensions=”560×315″ width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ ipad_color=”black”]aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS8zcm1PTElLenRvaw==[/video_player]
Follow the below “Buy Now!” link to purchase your kit now!
[button_1 text=”Buy%20Your%20Kit%20Now!” text_size=”32″ text_color=”#000000″ text_bold=”Y” text_letter_spacing=”0″ subtext_panel=”N” text_shadow_panel=”Y” text_shadow_vertical=”1″ text_shadow_horizontal=”0″ text_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ text_shadow_blur=”0″ styling_width=”40″ styling_height=”30″ styling_border_color=”#000000″ styling_border_size=”1″ styling_border_radius=”6″ styling_border_opacity=”100″ styling_shine=”Y” styling_gradient_start_color=”#ffff00″ styling_gradient_end_color=”#ffa035″ drop_shadow_panel=”Y” drop_shadow_vertical=”1″ drop_shadow_horizontal=”0″ drop_shadow_blur=”1″ drop_shadow_spread=”0″ drop_shadow_color=”#000000″ drop_shadow_opacity=”50″ inset_shadow_panel=”Y” inset_shadow_vertical=”0″ inset_shadow_horizontal=”0″ inset_shadow_blur=”0″ inset_shadow_spread=”1″ inset_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ inset_shadow_opacity=”50″ align=”center” href=”https://www.byoilydesign.com/Youngliving” new_window=”Y”/]
not sure if you are ready to buy? not to worry I have you covered.
Do you still have some beginner questions that need to be answered before you can feel confident about where you buy your essential oils?
Get my beginner guide.
I answer all your basic essential oil questions in one place. This guide is 12 pages packed with lots of info but it's a quick read without all the fluff and only the info you need to make a great decision on where to buy your essential oils.
Saturday 21st of November 2020
What is your sponsor id
Sunday 22nd of November 2020
Hi my enroller/sponsor number is #3177383