Guide to the benefits and uses of bergamot essential oil
Bergamot essential oil is one of the most popular citrus oils. Its unique citrus and spicy scent with floral notes make it a popular choice for the diffuser. Its beneficial properties also help to support oily skin and help during periods of grief and sadness. But these are not the only benefits of bergamot oil. The calming and uplifting properties of bergamot oil provide many more benefits.
Read on as we answer all your questions about bergamot essential oil, including – What is bergamot oil, what is bergamot good for, and what are the benefits of bergamot essential oil?

This post contains affiliate links to the essential oils and other products I talk about in the post. Purchasing from the links here on my blog is no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
What is Bergamot essential oil?
Bergamot oil is an essential oil extracted from the rind of the bergamot orange fruit. This citrus fruit has a light citrus scent, with a hint of floral characteristics. It is one of the most expensive citrus oils, but for good reason. It takes around 200 kgs of bergamot fruit to extract just one kg of bergamot oil from the rind of the fruit by cold pressing.
Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) belongs to the Rutaceae family. The fruit of the bergamot tree is a cross between the orange and lemon. It is small, pear-shaped, and yellow in color.
Bergamot is a popular scent in the perfume industry. Its powerful scent is used in many perfumes. Bergamot essential oil is also used to make Earl Grey tea.
It is said that the name bergamot comes from the Italian city Bergamo where the fruit was first cultivated. Bergamot trees grow well in Calabria, which is in southern Italy.
It is also produced in Argentina, Algerian, Brazil, the Ivory Coast, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, and South East Asia. It also grows well in Europe and the Canary Islands.
- Botanical name: Citrus Bergamia
- Pronunciation: Bur. Guh. Maat (American)
- The common method of extraction: Cold expression
- Parts of the plant used: zest
- Chemical constituents: Limonene, Linalyl Acetate, Linalool, Pinene, Geraniol Acetate Bergaptene, Terpineol, Nerol, Neryl Acetate, β-Bisabolene, Geraniol, and Myrcene.
- Color: Light yellow to dark green
- Consistency: Thin
- Aroma: Citrus with an underlying floral hint
Bergamot oil benefits
Bergamot essential oil offers many benefits. These include –
1. Uplifting and relaxing
Bergamot essential oil can help calm the feelings of stress. This unique essential oil has a calming aroma with the ability to be both uplifting and calming, which makes it ideal for use for supporting emotional balance. I love diffusing uplifting diffuser recipes throughout the day.
2. Supports focus and memory
Bergamot oil is also known to support cognitive abilities like memory and focus. Bergamot oil helps to enliven the senses, so it is great for using as a massage oil or in the bath.
3. Supports good sleep quality
Sleeplessness is a common problem these days. Lack of sleep can lead to exhaustion and can disturb you mentally. Using bergamot oil in massage therapy can help relax you. Which may help improve the quality and duration of your sleep.
4. Relieves overworked muscles
Bergamot oil is great for relieving fatigued muscles after physical activity. Linalool, a bioactive compound in bergamot is believed to support relief properties to this oil.
5. Aids digestion
Bergamot oil can support healthy digestion. This essential oil supports the secretion of natural digestive acids and enzymes and supporting digestion. Bergamot peels have been used in Chinese medicine and Italian folk medicine for centuries to support better digestion.
6. Skin-cleansing properties
Bergamot oil is a good natural skin cleanser. It helps support healthy skin pores and balances sebum levels. It is particularly useful for people with oily skin.
Skin benefits of bergamot essential oil also include helping calm everyday skin irritations and may reduce the appearance of blemishes
It is packed with antioxidants that help support your skin and giving it a more youthful-looking appearance. It can also help brighten and even out skin tone.
Try this Bergamot Body wash with Bergamot and Sandalwood. It has over 12K reviews on amazon and 4.5 stars.
7. Haircare
Bergamot essential oil can nourish, nurture and improve your hair health. It supports the circulation of blood in the scalp, which improves the health of the scalp and boosts hair growth. It also helps support scalp health. Bergamot oil also moisturizes and conditions hair, which helps to keep it soft and smooth.

How to use Bergamot essential oil?
Bergamot essential oil uses has many uses. Here are some easy ways to incorporate it into your daily routine –
1. Stress buster
To use bergamot essential oil as a stress buster, you must first mix it with any carrier oil such as sweet almond, avocado, or jojoba oil, before applying it to your skin. A fun way to relax is to create DIY bath Bombs using bergamot as one of the essential oils. You can also benefit from the soothing scent of this oil by using it in a diffuser.
2. Sleep support
Though bergamot belongs to the citrus family which is known for its invigorating properties, bergamot has a different impact. When diffused in a diffuser, bergamot oil helps relieve nervous tension and provides a relaxing and content feeling. You can also apply diluted bergamot oil to your feet before you sleep. Bergamot and Lavender oil create a wonderful essential oil blend for use in your diffuser at night.
3. Digestive support
To ease your digestive woes, mix bergamot oil with jojoba oil and apply it to your stomach. You can also combine bergamot oil with chamomile and fennel oil and massage it on your abdominal area to relieve discomfort.
4. Fatigued muscle support
To alleviate overworked muscle discomfort, mix two or three drops of bergamot oil with coconut oil and apply it to the tired muscles.
5. Face and hair cleanser
If you are prone to oily skin, pimples, or dandruff, bergamot oil can be incorporated into your skin care routine to support healthy skin and hair. You can add it to your facial cleanser and shampoo to ensure that your skin and scalp remain clean. To use it for skin-cleansing properties dilute bergamot oil with a carrier oil and apply it directly to help calm everyday skin irritations. Leave with oil on overnight. Avoid using bergamot oil in topical uses on your skin during the day because it is a phototoxic essential oil and the sun can cause possible skin sensitivity and burning.
6. Hair growth support
Bergamot oil makes the scalp clean and healthy. This helps to support the health of your locks so your hair grows longer, stronger, and healthier. Mix one or two drops of bergamot oil in a tablespoon of carrier oil and massage it on your scalp and leave overnight. Avoid sunlight for up to 12 hours after using this oil on your scalp.
To know what the best carrier oil for your hair type check out out post on the top 10 carrier oils. Using the right carrier oil with the bergamot oil is important.
7. Flavoring agent
Edible bergamot oil is also used as a flavoring agent. This oil provides a distinctive aroma and taste to Earl Grey tea. However, you must ensure that buy pure food-grade essential oil to use as a flavoring agent. Young Living has Bergamot as part of its vitality essential oil line. Young Living Vitality Oils are labeled for ingestion. To create your own tea, add a drop of bergamot to black tea for a refreshing drink.
Which essential oils blend well with bergamot essential oil?
Bergamot is a fresh and lively scent and is considered a top note when you blend it with other oils.
Bergamot blends well with Lavender, Geranium, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Patchouli, Tea tree, and Ylang-ylang essential oils.
Does bergamot have side effects?
Now that you have decided to incorporate the oil of Bergamot into your daily routine, you must take note of a few things.
- Though there are plenty of benefits of bergamot for the skin, it can cause skin irritation in some people if it is not mixed with a carrier oil. Always use this oil on your skin or scalp after dilution.
- Some people may develop an allergic reaction to bergamot oil. Always do a patch test before you use it on your skin.
- Bergamot can cause photosensitivity, so avoid direct sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after application.
- Keep Bergamot and other essential oils out of the reach of children
You can read more about essential oil safety and photosensitivity to oils on our blog.

Bergamot Diffuser Blends
Essential oil diffusers are a great way to use Bergamot. These essential oil diffuser blends are the perfect choice for new essential oil users. The key is using only 4-6 drops of essential oil to your ultrasonic diffusers to create a lovely scent for your home. Remember a little bit of essential oil goes a long way. The addition of bergamot to your essential oil collection will have your home smelling fresh and clean.

Bergamot diffuser recipes
All you need to make many of these amazing diffuser recipes is the Young Living Premium Starter Kit with the diffuser. To try all of the recipes you will need Bergamot, Orange Vitality, Lemongrass Vitality, Rosemary Vitality, Eucalyptus, Tea tree, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, Geranium and Cedarwood oils.
I suggest the vitality oils only because they come in the 5ml size.
- Young Living Premium Starter Kit with Desert Mist Diffuser
- Young Living Bergamot
- Young Living Orange Vitality Essential Oil
- Young Living Lemongrass Vitality Essential Oil
- Young Living Rosemary Vitality Essential Oil
- Young Living Eucalyptus Essential Oil
- Young Living Tea Tree Essential Oil
- Young Living Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
- Young Living Patchouli Essential Oil
- Add one of the below recipes to your diffuser
- Fill the diffuser with water following your diffuser's directions
- Turn on the diffuser and run for 30 minutes at a time.
Lavender Inspired Diffuser Recipes
Uplifting Rest- 2 Lavender + 2 Lemon + 2 Bergamot
Wellness calm - 3 Bergamot + 2 Thieves
Refreshed Stillness- 3 Bergamot + 2 Lemongrass + 1 Lavender
Afternoon tea- 3 Bergamot + 2 Vanilla + 1 Cedarwood
Fresh & Clean - 3 Bergamot + 2 Eucalyptus + 1 Tea Tree
Citrus floral garden- 2 Bergamot + 2 Frankincense + 2 Ylang Ylang
Focused & Chill- 2 Bergamot + 2 Rosemary + 1 orange
Breathing Space- 3 Lavender + 3 Patchouli + 2 Bergamot
Fifty Winks- 2 Bergamot + 1 Geranium + 2 Cedarwood
Time Off- 2 Bergamot + 2 Rosemary + 1 Stressaway
Beginner Essential Oil users- if you are new to this oil, I suggest for the first few times to diffuse 1-2 drops at a time for 10-15 minutes to see how you react to this oil.
Remember as an essential oil beginner you want to take diffusing easy.
If you find these diffusing essential oils recipes too strong you can always pour the recipe from your diffuser into a glass container then add more water to dilute the recipe. I suggest starting by adding at least 1 cup of water to dilute the original. Then refill the diffuser with some of the diluted recipe and start the diffuser again. repeat the dilution process to dilute again if necessary. Also, open a window or door to allow fresh air into the area if needed.
If you ever experience breathing problems exit the area, find fresh air immediately and seek medical help if needed.
Some common questions about Bergamot benefits and uses
What does Bergamot smell like?
Bergamot has a fruity aroma that smells like a mix of lemon and bitter orange. Like other citrus fruits, it has a sunny, sweet aroma, with notes of tartness. Its scent is also often described as spicy-floral. This unique floral scent distinguishes it from other citrus scents.
What does bergamot taste like?
Bergamot has a sharp and intense citrus flavor. Its juice is not consumable because of its high acid content. However, the essential oil extracted from its rind has a wonderful aroma and a taste that is bright, alluring, and lingering. Only ingest pure essential oil that is labeled specifically for ingestion like Young Living Vitality oils.
What does bergamot smell good with?
Bergamot mixes well with so many fragrances such as sandalwood, rosemary, ylang-ylang, nutmeg, vetiver, clary sage, frankincense, jasmine, and black pepper. The complex aroma of bergamot essential oil and its ability to blend well with so many other oils make it a prized ingredient in perfumery and one of the more favorite essential oils.
Can you mix lavender with bergamot?
Lavender essential oil is the best-known oil to promote relaxation. When mixed with the fresh and bright aroma of bergamot oil, the two oils provide a unique aroma that eases stress and promotes relaxation.
Is bergamot essential oil good for sleep support?
Yes, bergamot essential oil can be used for sleep support. Unlike other citrus oils which are energizing, bergamot oil is energizing and calming at the same time and is also known to reduce stress.
Final thoughts
Known for its spicy-floral citrusy aroma and sharp spicy taste, bergamot essential oil showers us with many health benefits. Bergamot essential oil has been used in folk medicine and home remedies since ancient times. It is known to support relaxation, support focus, support tired muscles, improve skin appearance and support hair growth. Thanks to its beneficial properties, the oil of bergamot is used in skin creams, moisturizers, soaps, shampoos, mouthwashes, perfumes, and deodorants. You can also use this oil as a stress reliever, sleep support, digestive support, face and hair cleaner, and flavoring agent.
This oil can also cause photosensitivity, you should avoid exposure to the sun after applying this oil. Always dilute bergamot oil with a carrier oil before you use it on your skin.
Looking to buy Bergamot essential oil? I'd love to help get you started!
When you sign up with me as your enroller you get amazing support and education for not Bergamot, but all the wonderful essential oils and non-toxic products Young Living has to offer.
As a bonus, I have a FREE Essential oils reference app for you just for enrolling with me! I want you to love your oils and getting the most out of them you can.
Ready to get started? Click on the below image and let's get the young living starter bundle in your hands.

Written by Manveen Grewal , Edited by Ruth Rackley