Best natural cleaning products you can make at home.
I admit it, a few years ago I looked at the mom’s who talked about starting to detox their homes and going all-natural with a chemical-free home like they were crazy.
No way was I turning into some hippy, overprotective, weirdo mom. The idea to Detox your home was crazy talk to me.
I mean seriously, how much extra work does having a chemical-free home take?
I was thinking serious overtime on the amount of work it would cause me.
And I will be honest, there already aren’t enough hours in the day for me to get it “all done”. I’m not lazy I’m just practical and didn’t want one more step of work to add to my already busy mom's life.
Plus you know, doesn’t taking the steps to detox your home cost a ton? And isn’t it all just a marketing ploy??
I had seen all those “Green” alternative products in the store and thought no way can I afford this chemical-free Natural Cleaner stuff.
Besides, I know being clean is important. It doesn’t matter how you get there, just that you arrive to a clean house, Right?
Wow, was I about to get a real honest to goodness life education!
*This post contains affiliate links to the essential oils and other products I talk about in the post. Purchasing them here from my blog is no extra cost to you but I do earn a commission that helps in the cost of running this blog. Thanks for your support!.

See, I had my girls and I started to worry about how things in the environment might affect them.
Then my own health started to be an issue.
One day I realized that my personal health was out of control all the time. Not just when the winter or spring illnesses came, but just normal everyday stuff was triggering things to make me sick.
The biggest problem was I couldn’t clean the house without getting a headache or setting an asthma attack off.
That is when the light bulb went off in my head.
I’ve always had a sensitivity to fragrances and all these cleaning chemicals I was using in my house was full of them. And don’t get me started on all the air fresheners I was using in my house multiple times a day.
Seriously, I’d do anything thing to get rid of that diaper smell, yuck!
Sure my house smelled like mountain rain and my laundry had that fresh linen scent. But at what cost? Then I came across this quote from the EWG site.
As stated on the site-
Mystery fragrance chemicals are a major allergy problem
Some respiratory allergies may be set off by fragrances, which are complex chemical mixtures commonly used to scent air fresheners and cleaners, personal care products and other consumer goods.
There are thousands of chemicals on the US market today and many of those are unregulated.
In the US, a company can use the term “Fragrance” as part of their labeling without showing the consumer what is truly in their product. It’s those “fragrances” that I felt were possibly the root cause to my wellness decline.
That is when I took inventory of the fragrance creators in my house and picked what I felt were three easy areas that I could begin to move towards a Chemical Free Home.
So what do I believe are the three easiest ways to detox your home of unnecessary fragrances and Chemicals?
For me it was my Laundry, Air fresheners, and household Cleaners.
In this post, I'm going to show you how I transformed these three simple areas with easy to make natural cleaning products that don't break the bank and clean your house amazingly.
Step #1 Detox your home- Let’s talk Laundry- Fragrance Free Laundry
For a few years, I tried to use the commercial brand laundry soaps and dryer sheets that were labeled Free and sensitive.
Don’t get me wrong, these are a great beginner step to detox your home and rid it of unnecessary fragrances.
But after looking on the site at the rating of the top Free and Sensitive dryer sheets and washing soap on the market, I still found they were receiving low grades of either a D or F on how toxic they are.
That is why I began to make my homemade laundry soap and use wool balls and essential oils in my dryer.
Plus I was wanting to save money and all those people on Pinterest were saying how much cheaper it was to make your own.
What?? Save some money and detox your home at the same time?? Sign me up! So I went on the search for the best homemade laundry soap, did a little testing of my own and came up with a DIY homemade laundry soap.
Click here to check out my homemade laundry soap recipe.
All of it’s ingredients score A’s on the EWG site. After using it for 5 + years I’m still super happy with the results. Our clothes are clean and even my husbands dirty farm clothes come out looking great! Plus it’s cost me less per load than commercial laundry soap.
Wool Balls are now my official favorite way to scent my clothes. Just a couple of drops of essential oil and I have great smelling laundry at a fraction of the cost of dryer sheets. The average US dryer sheet cost about 5 cents. I use 1-2 drops of citrus fresh or lavender essential oil on a wool ball and I find myself saving money.
I've used these wool balls for over a year and they still look great after being used nonstop!
In the end, I learned that taking the steps to detox your home of fragrance creating Laundry products can be cheaper and just as effective as the commercial brands. This step was super easy to implement to move towards a more chemical free home.
Step #2 for a Chemical free home- Get rid of those Air Fresheners
[clickToTweet tweet=”Check out how I kicked my Air freshener habit to create a more chemical-free home ” quote=”Check out how I kicked my Air freshener habit to create a more chemical-free home.”]
Oh how I love Air Fresheners
I admit I’m addicted to my house smelling amazing. I use to have those air freshener plug thingys all over the house, candles going and usually a spray bottle of something wonderful smelling in my hand, spritzing the world. Like I said, my house was smelling mountain fresh.
When going to a fragrance and Chemical free home, these were a must to go. And do you know, I had no idea how much money I was wasting on them until I stopped.
Now I make my own air fresheners with essential oils and water. I also love using my Essential Oil Diffuser recipes to create a wonderful scent in the air. Have you checked out my diffuser recipe posts?
Fall Scents- create amazing fall scents recipes for your home
Spring Scents- how to save money on the best smelling essential oil blends for spring
Kid Scents– Essential oil diffuser blends for kids that moms will love
Christmas Scents- 12 holiday inspired essential oil diffuser recipes for Christmas
Kit Oil Scents- 8 beginner diffuser recipes you can make with your Premium Starter Kit Oils
Using the diffuser that came in my premium starter kit has to be the best tool for helping me kick my chemical-laden, plugin, spray air freshener habit.
Plus with just the oils from my starter kit I can create a dozen or more diffuser blends to scent my home. That is way more variety and cost less than buying dozens of air freshener scents. And I have the added therapeutic benefits of the essential oils.
Looking for the best place to buy essential oils? How about letting me help get you started!
Click on the image below to learn more about the Young Living Starter Kit and the bonuses you get when signing up with me as your enroller!

One of the reasons I love to include a spray bottle in the Jump Start Kit (I send each person who signs up to get a Young Living Premium Starter Kit as me as the enroller this awesome kit) is because it gives you the chance to learn how to detox your home by making your own room spray so you can ditch those nasty chemical fake fragrance sprays.
My Favorite room spray is made with two oils from the Young Living Premium starter kit plus one extra- 3 drops Citrus Fresh, 2 drops peppermint in a 2oz spray bottle and fill the rest of the way with water. Lightly shake and spray. This bottle will last forever and to make the mixture cost me around 20 cents to make! Way cheaper than what I had been buying.
Check out this room spray I made that is strong enough to neutralize diaper smell. It smells amazing. Here is a link to that post…the-diaper-smell/
I love using these amber bottles to make my room spray with.
Step #3 Create a chemical-free home with natural cleaners
You know, maybe our grandmothers were way smarter than us.
Give them a bottle of vinegar and a scrub brush and they could clean the world. When I imagine a Chemical Free home I always picture my grandmother’s house. It makes me smile and I figure if she can live a chemical-free life before it was “in style” then starting to detox my home shouldn’t be so hard.
[clickToTweet tweet=”I would rather buy ice cream than buy expensive cleaning products, this DIY cleaning product cost less” quote=”I would rather buy ice cream than spend the money on expensive cleaning products, glad making my own DIY cleaning products is cheaper”]
There were so many days I left the grocery store feeling like half my grocery bill went to cleaning products.
To be honest, I decided I would rather use that money on something yummy like more ice cream. And if you think about it, there is probably something else you’d rather spend that money on too.
I can list a bunch of stuff- new pair of jeans, that cute dress I saw online yesterday, a new DVD for my girls to watch on our upcoming road trip, a bottle of wine. Do you see my point?
I then began to listen more to my mother in law, and started thinking back to my grandma and began cleaning my house with mostly vinegar.
But then I had a big buzzkill, yep I felt like my house smelled like a pickle and I so missed my eucalyptus and lemon smelling cleaning products.
This right here was the reason I bought my premium starter kit in the first place. I wanted to find a way to scent my DIY cleaning products so my house smelled amazing again.
And guess what, I figured out how to do that. Now going on 5 years I haven’t bought a single nasty chemical-laden cleaning product, I’ve saved tons of money, my house is clean (when I take the time to actually do it).
[clickToTweet tweet=”My chemical free home smells naturally good not chemically fake, best of all my wellness has improved ” quote=”“My chemical free home smells naturally good not chemically fake and best of all my family’s wellness has improved by leaps and bounds.””]
Check out one of my favorite Chemical free home cleaners, it’s a Carpet Deodorizer.
This helps kill all sorts of smells. It’s super easy to make, I can make a batch in under 2 minutes and then all you do is sprinkle on the carpet and vacuum.
It’s even safe enough that I let my girls use it and vacuum their own rooms. I love the fact if they decide to dump the whole mason jar of DIY Carpet Deodorizer over their pretty little heads it’s safe and nontoxic.
Here is the link to the recipe and a quick video of me making it.
As you can see, starting to detox your home doesn’t have to be overwhelming and scary. In just three easy steps you can begin to have a more chemical free home for less money than you are spending right now on traditional home cleaners, Laundry detergents, and air fresheners.
Are you wanting to begin the process of detoxing your home from harmful chemicals? But don't know where to start?
Does the idea of learning all about Essential Oils feel like it's more information than you can handle?
Would you love the chance to find someone to help mentor you through the process? Someone who can help simplify and make learning fun?
What if I told you I would help you for FREE!
I'd love the opportunity to walk you through essential oils and help you choose the best oils to use for you. When you purchase a Premium Starter kit through me you will receive Free one on one mentoring from me to help you get comfortable and using essential oils in your life. I promise by the time we are done you will be a rockstar user of essential oils!
Young Living Essential oils are the only essential oils I trust to use on my family. The reason I use only Young Living is pure and simple, I know the quality that goes into Young Living oils. I only want the best and purest to use on my family and Young Living Guarantees that with their Seed to Seal pledge. If you are new to essential oils or have been using different brands, I'd love the chance to introduce you to Young Living essential oils. Let me help you get started on a healthier lifestyle for you and your family. To find out more, I'd love for you to check out my post on
How to get started with Essential Oils
It's a fun and informative post about how this normal, plain jane mom got started with essential oils and how you can too! check it out here- How to get started with Essential Oils.
Let's get your hands on this box of awesomeness. Click here to get your Premium Starter Kit now!
Purchase a Young Living Premium Starter Kit thru
and receive:
Free Essential Oil 101 online class that walks you thru the Premium Starter kit and how to use the oils.
One on One support from Ruth
free access to the By Oily Design online library that is constantly growing with information,
Access to the private By Oily Design Facebook chat group to talk oils with other momma's just like you
a FREE Welcome Jump Start Box full of goodies to get you going (rollerballs, spray and dropper bottles and more!)
A BONUS FREE E-BOOK- Essential Oils Everyday Uses (It is loaded with over 100+ recipes!)
Check out our FREE JUMP START KIT!
Available only for those who purchase their Premium Starter Kit through By Oily Design!
Get started with essential oils! Let me help you start out with the young living Premium Starter kit. When purchasing your kit thru me you will receive a Jump start kit with recipes and everything you need to get started with oils. As a BONUS I will also include The By Oily Design Ebook- Essential Oils Everyday Uses! This new Ebook contains over a 100 tried and tested Essential Oil Recipes to get you started loving and using your oils. The Ebook is ONLY available to By Oily Design Members! YL member #3177383

COPYRIGHT: © Ruth Rackley and By Oily Design, 2016. You may use the URL of this post to share it on social media. You may also use the URL of this post to link to it from another website/blog. However, no part of the text of this post may be copied and used in a social media status update or on another website/blog without prior written permission of the author. You may share the graphics/s associated with this post on social media as long as they are not edited in any way. However, you may not use the graphic/s associated with this post on another website/blog without prior written permission of the author. This post and the graphic/s associated with it may not be printed and distributed without the prior written permission of the author. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material is strictly prohibited.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living essential oils. The statements made and the products mentioned on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.Please read the full disclaimer here

How to use purification to refresh and liven up your home - By Oily Design
Monday 9th of October 2017
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