Learn how easy it is to create Christmas scents using essential oils. Bring the scent of your favorite Christmas tree to life with a few simple oils. Enjoy the Christmas spirit by creating your own personalized Christmas Scent.
When you think of Christmas, which comes to mind first? The Scents of Christmas or the Sights and Sounds of Christmas?
When I think of Christmas, it congers up so many wonderful images in my mind like a beautiful Christmas tree covered in my girls’ handmade school ornaments or Oranges covered in cloves, it’s sugar cookies decorated to look like Christmas bells, hot mulled cider and the scent of snow coming.
For me, Christmas is a magical time of year.
The extra care we take to add special touches to each little nook and cranny of our homes and lives brings the season to life.
One special part of Christmas to me is having a live Christmas tree. The scent alone is one of the foundations of the smell of Christmas for me. Last year, as we picked out our tree it got me thinking of how can I capture the Christmas scent and recreate it over and over.
Now that I use essential oils, I love that I can use essential oils to make the perfect Christmas essential oil blend.
I’m excited to help teach you how you can create your own signature Christmas essential oil blends and how to use them as amazing DIY essential oil gifts.

In this post, I’m going to cover:
How you can make your house smell like Christmas
Which Essential Oil smells most like a Christmas tree?
What essential oils are good for Christmas?
What is in Christmas spirit essential oil?
How do you make Christmas spirit essential oil?
How can I make the perfect Christmas Essential oil blend for me?
Essential oil gifts to share the Christmas Spirit using essential oils
Free Essential Oil Gift Label Download
*This post contains affiliate links to the essential oils and other products I talk about in the post. Purchasing them here from my blog is no extra cost to you but I do earn a commission that helps in the cost of running this blog. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases from Amazon. Thanks for your support!

How you can make your house smell like Christmas?
In the past, the first thing I would do to bring that Christmas smell to my home was to grab a Scented Candle and light it.
While I was at it, I would walk around the house with a Christmas room spray I had bought from the mall and spray the air.
And don’t get me started on the scented plugins I would stock up on to bring in the smell.
Can you tell I liked my home smelling amazing?
But then I learned about all the toxic ingredients in those favorite Christmas scents and decided the headaches, snotty noses and who knows what else we would get from breathing in toxic chemicals were just not worth it.
Have your doubts on whether Aromatic candles are bad for you?
Check out this article from the CDC- Characterization of aromatic candle emissions and its similarity to diesel engine exhaust.
But then Essential oils entered into my life and they have been my Christmas Scents maker ever since.
I love how easy it is to create a master Christmas Essential Oil blend and then use it for all the things,
Like running it in my essential oil diffuser for a wonderful whole house smell.
Or putting it on cotton balls and hiding it in the Christmas decor for that slight whiff of a scent. (I may have hidden a few in the Manger Scene my girls are obsessed with.)
I also like to add it to my DIY Hand Soap for a quick Christmas hand soap blend.
The uses for essential oils to make your home smell like Christmas are endless.

Which essential oil smells most like a Christmas tree and can create a Christmas Scent?
Many people choose the Christmas tree to put in their homes because the tree is the best Christmas tree for scent. With the most popular trees being Fir, Spruce, and Pine
What is awesome about Young Living, the company I chose to buy my essential oils from, is that they have a large variety of Woody essential oils to choose from and several are from favorite Christmas trees.
I need to add that in my research I found some of my favorite essential oil tree scents actually spell pretty bad as Christmas trees when the needles are broken. So don’t shy away from these oils based on how you’ve smelled them in person.
I like this blog post on the common live Christmas tree advantages and disadvantages. He talks Christmas tree scent and compared one Christmas tree smell to cat pee.
So why the difference? How do you go from the live tree smelling like cat pee to an amazing essential oil?
When you break the needles of some live trees they release a scent that smells pretty bad. But when distilling the trees for Essential Oil, the whole tree is used not just those stinky needles.
Using the whole tree gives us the amazing woodsy scent and essential oil benefits we love.
Here are my favorite essential oils for that woodsy Christmas scent

The Top Essential Oils for the best Christmas tree scent:
1) Northern Lights Black Spruce
2) Idaho Blue Spruce
3) Idaho Balsam Fir
4) Pine
5) Juniper
6) Cypress
7) Blue Cypress
My favorite #1 woodsy Christmas tree-like oil is by far the Northern Lights Black Spruce.
It has a rich, deep woodsy scent with a hint of something sweet.
Some say the strongest smelling Christmas tree is the Balsam Fir and I’d have to say the strongest smelling essential oil with a Christmas tree smell would be Northern Lights Black spruce.
Check out this video of the first-ever Young Living distillation of Northern Lights Black Spruce. You can see in the video how they used the whole tree ground up to distill and create the oil.
My #2 favorite Idaho Blue Spruce is more green, earthy and fresh smelling. More like a pine tree.
You can’t go wrong with any of my top 7 picks.
How can I make my Christmas tree smell better?
Have one of those not so pretty smelling Christmas Trees? First, avoid breaking any needles, this is probably where most of the poor smell is coming from.
Have a tree that has no scent or lost its scent? Make sure you water your live tree. A dehydrated and dying tree is less likely to give off a smell.
For both of these problems consider diffusing essential oils to give you the smell you are looking for or place cloth ornaments or ribbons with a drop or two of essential oil in your tree to give it the scent you need.
What scent goes well with pine and the other Christmas tree type essential oils?
In general, there are lots of great essential oils that go well with Pine and the other woodsy oils. Some of my favorites are-
Bergamot, cedarwood, clary sage, eucalyptus, frankincense, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, marjoram, peppermint, rosemary, sage, sandalwood, tea tree, thyme
But these don’t all necessarily scream Christmas.
What essential oils are good for Christmas Scents?
Cinnamon bark
Citrus Fresh
Christmas Spirit
Did you know 4 of the oils in this list actually come in the Young Living Premium Starter Kit along with my all-time favorite diffuser? This is such a great way to get started!
And did you catch that last oil I listed? Yes, Young Living has an amazing blend called Christmas Spirit. And ya’ll it’s amazing. Personally, for me, they took out all the guesswork and made the perfect essential oil blend for Christmas right here!

What is in Christmas Spirit essential oil?
Christmas Spirit essential oil is an essential oil blend made with Young Living essential oils-
Orange, Cinnamon Bark, and Spruce
Christmas Spirit is great to diffuse in a diffuser or sprinkle on logs in the fireplace, on Christmas trees, on cedar chips for dresser drawers, or on potpourri.
How do you make Christmas Spirit essential oil?
For those of you who haven’t yet made the Young Living choice, (um what’s your hold up? Just kidding, well not really. you need to sign up with me so we can be EO besties!)
Here is a simple Christmas Spirit essential oil recipe you can try to create a Christmas Scent for your home.
I can only guess as to how much of each of the listed essential oils are in the Christmas Spirit Essential Oil Blend. But with Christmas Spirit being one of Young Living’s most economical oils it’s no wonder why most people just buy the amazing blend as one of the first non-kit oils they try from Young Living.
Want to know where to buy a Young Living Starter kit? Click here and I can get you started because I’m the girl to hook you up. And seeing you are looking to create a home filled with the perfect Christmas Scents, when you order your kit just add on the Christmas Spirit blend to your order. You will be so glad you did.
If I was to try and recreate what I think is one of Young Living's best essential oil combinations for Christmas I’d probably start my DIY essential Oil blend to fit in a 5ml bottle. A 5ml bottle holds approximately 100 drops which this recipe is about ½ of.
Again, this is just my thoughts on how I would make it so feel free to play around and add more of your favorite oil than one of the others.
Christmas Spirit Blend DIY
25 Orange
12 Cinnamon Bark
10 Spruce
How can I make the perfect Christmas Essential oil blend for me?
One thing I love about making DIY blends is I can experiment and try things.
My suggestion when creating your own personalized Christmas scent is to pick 3-5 oils from the list above that have that Christmas smell to you. Uncap them and as a group give them a good smell.
Which oils would you like to smell more of?
Which oils would you want to just smell a hint of?
Is there an oil that just doesn’t smell right in the group?
I would then do a small test in the diffuser using a mixture of the oils.
Note- If you are new to essential oils keep the drop amount to less than 6. If you have been using awhile you can add a few drops more.
Diffuse this mix and see if you like it.
Does it create a warm, spicy, and sweet Christmas scent? Does it evoke feelings and memories tied to your Christmas memories?
If it’s a match, then consider making a master blend so it’s easier for you to use your personalized Christmas Essential Oil Blend.
Need inspiration for your own master Christmas Essential oil blend? Check out this super popular Christmas diffuser recipe post to get you started.
Now that you are totally into the Christmas Spirit,

Essential oil gifts to share the Christmas Spirit
Want to share your favorite Essential Oil blend for Christmas with friends and family? No need to keep your specialized Christmas Scents to yourself!
Why not create a few DIY essential oil gifts featuring your favorite Essential Oil blend that smells like Christmas?
My favorite easy DIY essential oil gifts are Essential Oil Room Sprays.
Y’all I need easy and fast. But I want them cute and it has to be something people will actually want to use.
This DIY Essential Oil gift is always a hit. Everyone loves them! They are super easy to make and a project I can get my kids involved in.
A few years ago, I made these Christmas Essential Oil room sprays that were a huge hit not only for me but for so many of my readers. I couldn’t believe how viral that post went and all the thank you emails from readers was so wonderful to read.
Not making room sprays but other Essential Oil Christmas gifts? Don’t worry I have you covered, check out this post with Printable Christmas gift labels for any project you have in mind!
This year, because we have a repeat of people I want to share the essential oil Christmas love. I decided to make an all-new set of Christmas labels for use on glass bottles.
Truth be told, I can’t remember who got what labels last time and I don’t want to be gifting the same looking present year after year.
These DIY gift labels can be used for spray bottles, dropper bottles or anything with your Christmas essential oil blend.
Free Printable Essential Oil Label Download and Recipes
6 DIY Christmas Room Spray Recipes
I just love these Christmas Essential oil blends for use in DIY essential oil gifts. To me, they all have a great Christmas scent and are so easy to make.
My girls love helping me count out the drops.
Feel free to adjust the drop amounts to your liking. Or use these as a starting point to create your own personal Christmas Scent.

The supplies you need to make these amazing Essential Oil room sprays (Affiliate links)
2 oz amber glass spray bottles
Distilled Water
Essential Oils listed in the recipe
2” round Avery printable Labels #22817
For an easy to print pdf of the DIY Essential Oil Christmas Room Spray recipes, Fill out the opt in below and check our email for the download link.
You will then be able to download the PDF document and print it out on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. Super easy!
Before you download this DIY Christmas Room Spray recipes page, I was wondering if you could do me a favor?
Would you share this post on Facebook using the blue Facebook button below?
I’d love as many people as possible to see these great recipes and labels! Also, don’t forget to pin it to your Pinterest DIY board or your Christmas Inspiration boards. That way you have this post for easy reference later if you need it!
Free Christmas Essential Oil Blend Printable Labels
Now for the awesome and super cute labels to go along with our favorite Christmas Scents. I made these by creating a template specifically for the Avery 22817 Labels. If you use another brand or other Avery label with a different product number I can’t guarantee this template will print properly.
But these should print just perfectly. Just make sure you print them at 100% full page and run a quick test print to make sure you have your printer set up properly.
These labels will have you with the cutest Christmas scents room spray bottles ever!
To get access to the Labels and Recipes, please fill out the above opt-in form then check your email. A link with all the download info will be sent to you.
These labels are for your personal use. Please do not use these labels for any product you plan to sell. There is a Copyright for these labels.

These templates are free of charge, but I do ask that you share my post with all your friends on Facebook and Pinterest!
Also, tag me on Instagram @byoilydesign with your images of the Christmas Scents projects you have created so I can feature you! and don't forget to follow me on Instagram too!
Because you know the more, the merrier! :=) You can use the handy little icons below this post to do so.
Need Essential Oils to make this happen? Get your Starter kit and add a few oils like Christmas Spirit and Orange for just a few more dollars! Order Your Starter Kit Here.

Cathy Schweid
Thursday 12th of September 2019
This looks wonderful! Do you have anything for autumn?
Wednesday 18th of September 2019
Hey Cathy! I have a post on Autumn diffuser recipes that you might enjoy but I don't have any spray labels or room sprays as of yet. but maybe in the near future I can design some! Thanks for asking. Ruth