What is a Pinterest promoted pin?
A Pinterest promoted pin is where you take one of your Pinterest pins and you apply money to that pin so that more people get to see it. In other words, you are turning your pin into advertising on Pinterest.
Pinterest Promoted Pins are a great unobtrusive way to get in front of your target audience on Pinterest.
In this post, I'm going to talk about my rocky journey in the world of Pinterest Promoted Pins and how I finally found amazing success.
I confess Pinterest Promoted Pins use to scare me.

The first time I tried to run a Pinterest Promoted Pin I got so scared I turned the promoted pin off after only spending $2
Why after only $2
Well, it’s because I got 1 click on 1 pin and it cost me $2.
What the What!?!
Here’s something we can both agree on …, $2 a click would bankrupt any small blog.
My goal is to reach thousands of people and there is no way I can play the Pinterest promoted pin game with that much money at stake per pin.
Can you?
That is when I decided Pinterest Promoted pins were only for the rich businesses with money to play. See ya later Promoted Pins on Pinterest, you aren’t getting any more of my money.
So for over a year, I was building my blog and MLM business slowly by using Pinterest. All I did was use Tailwind and the typical Pinterest pinning and repinning strategy, every. single. day.
Traffic to my blog from Pinterest was good.
My blog and my MLM business were growing at a nice steady healthy pace. You know like a turtle, slow and steady.
I know what you’re thinking…Slow and steady is nice.
But Here is the catch….
what I really want is momentum and success at a higher rate than just slow and steady.
That’s when I started rethinking the whole Pinterest Promoted Pins. Why?
Well, Pinterest is my jam. It’s where 95% of my website traffic comes from.
Yes, I’m working on diversifying where my traffic comes from. But until the SEO work, I’m doing kicks in. Which by the way, will take months and months to happen.
I’m back at looking for momentum and answers from my biggest traffic source, Pinterest.
Here is what I know:
My tribe, my peeps, are on Pinterest.
It’s where my target market of moms between 25-50 are hanging out.
It’s where we dream and where we plan our lives.
Marketing to those dreams. Showing how my website and my product are the answer to the lifestyle they want to create is going to be key to growing my business.
My Strategy is simple
Get right in front of them!
My goal is to make sure my pins are brought front and center to my target market. But how do I make that happen?
Do you want to know the big secret to making this happen no one is telling you about?

Pinterest Promoted Pins
And I’ve learned it’s not just for the big bloggers with lots of money. It’s for us with smaller blogs too.
With Pinterest Promoted Pins You can:
- Kickstart a pin's popularity
- Increase page views
- Build your email list
- Increase sales
- Re-engage email subscribers and past website visitors
- Drive brand awareness
- Promote affiliate opportunities
- …and much more!
Learning how to run a promoted pin targeting my specific target market has been a GAME CHANGER in my blog and in my business.
Now, remember my first try at promoted pins all by myself? It was a big old dud.
With my past failing experience at running my own, Pinterest promoted pin.
I knew I needed to find someone who was getting –
1- amazing promoted pin results
2- someone who had duplicatable promoted pin strategies I could use for my own blog and MLM business.
Then the hard part? Getting them to teach me everything they know about Pinterest Promoted Pins
Guess what, the solution is simple….
I found an amazing course that taught me all the things related to Promoted Pins.

Pin Practical Promotions Course
The course is called Pin Practical Promotions and was created by my new friend Monica who runs the successful blog- redefiningmom.com
Without the Pin Practical Promotions Course, I’m pretty sure I would have had very minimum success with my second try at promoted pins.
I will be honest this whole promoted pin thing gets a little, okay really hard for me to wrap my head around. There is so much to making a promoted pin successful that I never even knew.
But because of this course.
Instead of the huge failure and money waste I was headed for, I had mind-blowing success that brought me my largest enrollment month online ever!
Plus, because I ran my promoted pin exactly how Monica taught me in the course. I was able to increase my pageviews to the point I made my Promoted pin ad budget back in AD revenue for my site!
What I loved about the course is it covers EVERYTHING you can imagine when it comes to how to run a promoted pin.
From the first lesson all the way through the Pin Practical Promotions Course she holds your hand and helps you develop promoted pin strategies tailored to your needs.
I’m a very visual person so I loved the short videos where she shows you step by step what needs to be done and then she follows it up with written guides to make implementation even easier.
But she also takes it one step forward and helps give 1 on 1 advice to you in the buyers only Facebook group for the course. The private FB group quickly became one of my most useful business tools.
If you are like me, you have a ton of questions about Promoted Pins and no clue how to start. You are looking for a roadmap that will lead you to promoted pin success and this course can help bring that success to you.

What will you learn in the Pin Practical Promotions Course?
- Promoted pins and how they work
- How to prep your Pinterest account for a promoted pin
- How to strategize your campaigns so you don't waste money
- Detailed examples of how to set up successful promoted pin funnels
- How to target the right people for your campaign based on your objectives
- The tactical side of setting up your website to optimize for conversions, installing the right codes in the right places, and an advanced training on setting up your campaigns
- A detailed breakdown of how to read those (not so) scary analytics reports and how to use them to your advantage
I learned from this course that Promoted pins are so much more than just picking your favorite pin and throwing some money at them. They can be BUSINESS changing if you do them right, and with the correct strategy.
So my bragging about this course is all great but if you are like me you want proof that it works.
How about I show you the stats from my first Promoted Pin I created as part of taking this course?
Promoted Pin Case study
Full Disclosure: I joined Pin Practical Promotions as a beta student. I actually share my impressive story in a Pinterest ads case study in module 6 of the course. (During the course of running the campaign, Pinterest did some wonky stuff with their Algorithm so I had to shut it off and turn it on after a few days. That is why you will see a dip in the middle of the campaign)
Monica helped me uncover so many goodies as we evaluated the campaign I ran during the beta period and Pinterest ads case study. I only ran it for a period of 9 days, and look at my results…

Promoted Pin Stats:
- 9-day campaign
- $.13 per click– low-cost clicks is what we want to see! (if I had kept the campaign turned on, chances are my CPC would have continued to go down as Pinterest optimized the campaign.)
- 1.43% click-through rate (which is amazing!)– this is considered crazy high in the promoted pins world!
- PLUS I added 30 new subscribers
But the best part!!!
I saw three important residual benefits from running this short campaign…
- Because I was optimizing this campaign for keywords, I was able to not only bump my promoted pin to the second spot in search results but my organic pin also got a nice bump up to the fifth spot in search results. What does this mean? It increased my traffic significantly which led to…
- An increase in ad revenue from the ads on my site! Y’all I made back my Pinterest Ad spend with ad revenue! How cool is that?!
- I also by using a nurture sequence for the email signups during the campaign I had the largest increase in customers the next month I’ve ever seen.
Y’all I so wish I had run that campaign longer!
Check out my conversation with Monica as we discuss her course. https://youtu.be/zwKAS-1kFyQ
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Is Pin Practical Promotions the course for you?
Pin Practical Promotions is an advanced-level Pinterest course focused solely on setting up, implementing, and benefiting from low-cost promoted pins (also referred to as Pinterest Ads).
If you are a Blogger who has been using Pinterest for awhile, have a pinning strategy in place and ready to take your business to the next level by utilizing Pinterest then this course may be for you. It’s not for Pinterest beginners but you also don’t have to be super savvy with Pinterest either.
If you are a beginner at Pinterest I highly recommend taking Monica’s course the Pin practical master class.
The Pin Practical Promotions Course is not an Evergreen course. In other words, Monica opens and closes the doors to new students so she can make sure she is available to help each new round of new students. If the course isn’t currently open that’s okay, she has a fabulous
Pin Practical promotions primer that can get you started.
New to blogging?
check out my other related blogging post-
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