Since I started with Essential Oils 3 yrs ago, I have loved making special essential oil gifts for friends and family like the Christmas Room sprays I created last year.
The Christmas Essential Oil room sprays with their adorable free printable labels were a huge hit here at home and with the tons of blog readers who downloaded the recipes and free sticker labels to use for themselves.
Your replies to my email with the download file have so brightened my day!
Like you, I love the thought of giving specialized DIY gifts to the people I love and care about.
If they can be healthier options for the simple things in their lives they enjoy, then that is a huge plus in my book.
I know, in the beginning, I used to be intimidated to share my essential oil homemade gifts.
I wanted the gifts to not only be healthy and smell amazing, but I wanted them to look as amazing as I know they are.
You all have inspired me with your emails telling me how much you loved last years free printable labels.
This year I decided to raise the bar on my DIY gift-giving and created these simple printable Christmas labels you can use on any homemade Christmas gift you create.

These DIY Christmas Labels are editable so you can create personalized Christmas Labels for your Christmas gifts by just using the downloadable Christmas label template and changing the editable fields to what you want them to say.
You can even make them without names on them by leaving them blank. I’m giving you lots of options. Don’t worry down below I have a full tutorial on how to make these wonderful labels.
These free printable Christmas labels will take your essential oil Christmas gifts from mason jar simple to an extra special Christmas gift you will be excited and proud to give.
Keep reading in this post, I’m going to share:
1. My tips on creating an amazing presentation for your Simple DIY Christmas gifts
2. Which Jars I have the best luck with in creating a clean smooth gift label for (there is a trick to this)
3. My favorite plain labels and how to cut them so they look custom made (it will surprise you how inexpensive they are)
4. How to use the free Adobe PDF reader so you can edit sections of the label design to include your name and other gift info. Plus how not to screw up.
5. Access to the getting your PDF copy of the Labels.
6. Recipes to some of my favorite simple Christmas essential oil gifts
3 Tips for creating great looking DIY Christmas Gifts
Tip 1- It's all about the packaging.
My first job was a Gift Wrapper at a large department store. I learned then that what you wrap a gift in can take it from okay to fabulous.
Invest in interesting looking ribbon for your packages. They don't have to be super expensive.
Take, for instance, the ribbon I used in the images for this post. It's ribbon I found in the Target Dollar section. I love this ribbon because of its whimsy and it's really good quality but it didn't cost me a fortune.
Tip 2- Use the Gift Container as part of the presentation
Look for fun Jars and boxes to store your gift in. Find Containers that the gift receiver can use time and time again.
Tip 3- Use Fun labels!
Printable Labels and tags are great ways to personalize DIY gifts. Being able to add names and a description to the labels and gift tags. Really help show you have taken that extra time to hand pick and make a special gift for them.
The Best Jars for making Christmas DIY gifts in
For years I thought the only jars in the world worth using were the typical Mason Jar you see everywhere.
But this year, I have seen the light.
I have found a new Jar and I'm hooked.
Because it has a wonderfully smooth surface on most of the jar which allows for easier adhesion for the jar labels.
Plus, the Weck Jars also come in a variety of shapes so now my containers also become a showpiece in themselves.
Y'all are these Weck Jars not the cutest ever???
Like, send me all my Christmas Presents in a Weck Jar, please!
Yes, the Weck Jars are more expensive than the typical Mason Jar or Ball Jar you can find locally. But I promise the look of your final product using a Weck Jar is going to blow you and your receiver away.
One tip I want to share, I was all excited about the Tulip Shaped Weck Jar but I did find that with the smaller sized jars, the way the jar bells out that the wider Printable Christmas Labels I designed may wrinkle a little if your not careful when applying. But you can still use the smaller circle labels I include in the pdf for the tops which are super cute.
Why am I not in love with the Mason Jar anymore?
They are still great jars but they have measuring lines that are etched into the glass and they stick outward. This makes for an uneven surface.
The labels still will work on the jar but you will find that at the measuring lines, the sticker has to stick out so they are not smooth looking.
It all depends on how polished you want your finished gift to look.
You will see in my images I used a mix of Mason and the Weck Jars and they all came out great. I just really like the finished product with the weck jars the most.
The best Printable Labels for printing your Christmas Labels
In the past, I've stuck with the Avery circle labels but with this year's design, I wanted more freedom for the design.
So enter the full sheet sticker for Christmas Labels.
Can I get some praise hands on this find!
No more frustration from different printer types not wanting to line up to a specific label template from Avery.
Now with a full sheet label sticker, this will require you to actually cut out the design but there are a couple of tips that can make this easy.
Tip 1- Some of the labels can be cut out into a rectangle or square shape. You will see the guidelines on the printed labels.
You can make your label this larger shape or you can do like I did in the images of this post and cut just outside the design of the frame on the label.
Tip 2- Whichever way you cut, try and leave a section just outside the area uncut.
Remember you still have to pull the backing off. I found that just a tiny section of white space was all I needed to bend the label just enough to get a fingernail under the label and pull off the backing. Then I just snipped the extra-label piece off and everything looks great.
FREE Printable Labels!

These labels are great for all your simple Christmas DIY gifts.
I love using them for the essential oil Christmas gifts I make.
I am also going to be using them for some food gift labels too.
I made a Muscadine Jelly this summer that my girls have declared “This will make Momma Famous!” I'm not sure about famous but with these labels, the jars will look super cute!
Before you download the DIY Christmas Labels, I was wondering if you could do me a favor? Would you share this post on Facebook using the blue Facebook button below? I’d love as many people as possible to see these great diffuser recipes! Don’t forget to pin it to your Pinterest DIY board or you Christmas Inspiration boards. That way you have this post for easy reference later if you need it!
How to Edit the PDF Christmas Label Template
- Download the PDF file for the labels to your computer.
- Open the PDF file in the Free Adobe Reader
- Pages 1,2,5,& 6 you will see blue boxes that are editable fields.
- Click on the Blue box and enter the info you want in the box.
- Do this for all the boxes you want information in. If you want them blank just don't add anything to the box. DOn't worry the blue part will not print when using the free Adobe Reader.
- Double-check all your boxes for any errors you may have made
- Select the print button in Acrobat Adobe reader Pro DC
- Print your labels.
I want to highlight a possible error you can make.
If you see a black plus button like this one pictured. You have too many characters in the text box for it to print correctly. Please delete enough characters for the symbol to disappear and you should have nice looking Label.
Want more Christmas scents?
Check out the below post to learn all about turning your home into a Christmas season wonderland. I share all about the Essential Oils that smell like Christmas. Plus 6 all-new Christmas room sprays that you can download and print off and they come with a free spray bottle label printable! This way you can share your essential oil love with friends and family this Christmas season.
Don't forget to Follow me on Instagram!
Where to Buy Essential Oils
If you are new to essential oils and are looking to get started with using them. I'd love the chance to help teach you all about how to use them.
My Favorite brand of Essential Oils is Young Living. They have been in the business of essential oils for over 25 yrs and with their Seed to Seal guarantee, you know you are buying safe and high-quality oils.
I'd love the chance to be your enroller. My biggest joy is to start new essential oil users off with education and the tools they need to be successful using essential oils.
All my enrollees get one on one coaching from me, a private Facebook group with other essential oil users I coach, access to my online Essential Oil mini-course to show you how to use oils safely and effectively for supporting your family wellness.
Click the image below to get your Young Living Premium Starter Kit today!!
Recipes for my Favorite Christmas gifts made with Essential Oils