What is rosemary oil good for
We are going to unpack some great Rosemary oil benefits you just might not know about.
Rosemary is an herb from the mint family. You have probably seen rosemary leaves in cooking recipes to season lamb, duck, chicken, and seafood. This woodsy aromatic herb can add to the flavor of any dish. I have a rosemary plant in my Kitchen garden for quick access for cooking.
On the other hand, rosemary benefits do not end with cooking. Rosemary essential oil is one of the top popular essential oils. It's popular because it provides many health benefits, and is relatively an inexpensive oil. With its wide range of uses, you might want to consider making regular use of rosemary oil a part of your wellness routine.
In this post, we will tell you all that you need to know about rosemary essential oil. You will learn about the benefits of rosemary oil, rosemary uses, how to use rosemary for memory support, and rosemary skin benefits. We will also discuss some possible rosemary oil side effects and how to deal with them.
What is rosemary essential oil?
Rosemary essential oil is obtained from the leaves and the flowers of the rosemary shrub through steam distillation.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an evergreen perennial shrub with needle-like leaves and a woodsy aroma. A member of the mint family, rosemary is native to the Mediterranean region and Western Asia.
Rosemary is also known by the name ‘dew of the sea' as the word ‘rosemary' comes from the Latin words ‘ros' (meaning dew) and ‘marinus' (meaning sea).
What does rosemary smell like?
Rosemary oil has a powerful and refreshing herbal aroma. The rosemary scent is often described as piney and woodsy as well. One cool fact is that Rosemary is from the same family as mint, yet it doesn't have the same distinct menthol flavor and aroma.

*This post contains affiliate links to the essential oils and other products I talk about in the post. Purchasing them here from my blog is no extra cost to you but I do earn a commission that helps in the cost of running this blog. Thanks for your support!
Rosemary oil benefits
Surprisingly, Rosemary essential oil provides a diverse range of benefits for your body, mind, skin, and hair. Here are some of the best health benefits of rosemary oil that you must know –
1. Improves memory
Rosemary oil has been used to support memory and cognitive function since ancient times. In ancient Greece, Greek scholars used rosemary for memory enhancement before exams. This essential oil is known to support mental awareness and support healthy brain function. You can diffuse rosemary oil or dilute it in a lotion and apply it to your neck to support your memory.
2. Eases stress
Inhaling the aroma of rosemary oil is known to support lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the blood. Cortisol levels can rise due to stress levels in your life. Diffusing rosemary can be a great way to create a relaxing environment. You can diffuse this essential oil in your bedroom or add a few drops to your bath water to relax after a stressful day at work.
3. Supports overworked muscles
Be it an extra tough workout or a hard strenuous day at work, sore muscles are no fun. Rosemary essential oil can be a remedy for it all. Massaging rosemary essential oil on the affected area can provide relief from overworked muscles.
4. Relieves mental fatigue
If you are feeling low, rosemary oil may be the remedy you are looking for. Often used for relieving mental fatigue and strain in folk medicine, diffusing rosemary essential oil can help perk you up. People often describe rosemary oil as energetic and invigorating.
5. Supports healthy digestion
If you are troubled by gastrointestinal problems when eating, Rosemary oil may helps support and cleanse the digestive system. Rosemary oil may also to stimulate appetite and has healthy antioxidant properties to support a healthy lifestyle.
Dilute five drops of rosemary oil in one teaspoon of coconut oil and massage this mixture on your abdomen to relieve gastric ailments.
6. Supports skin health
Rosemary oil is used extensively in skin care products, thanks to its beneficial properties. It acts as a refreshing astringent which balances and tones the skin.
Some other rosemary skin benefits include —
- It acts as a moisturizer and helps to hydrate the skin.
- Rosemary oil can controls sebum production for oily skin.
- It helps reduce dark spots and blemishes on the skin.
- Rosemary oil revives dull skin and prevents breakouts.
- It helps reduce fine lines and makes the skin appear firm.
7. Supports hair growth and hair care
Rosemary oil is an excellent oil for hair health and beauty. It is known to support healthy hair growth. Massaging it on the scalp may enhance blood circulation to the scalp. Which in turn helps the hair follicles to thrive. Rosemary oil also helps protect hair from damage and breakage. It also helps reduce scalp irritation and dandruff.
For an easy scalp massage, dilute four to five drops of rosemary oil in coconut oil or jojoba oil and massage it on your scalp. Leave it on for ten to 15 minutes and wash it off.
8. Deters bugs
The Rosemary plant is known by gardens as a great plant that is a natural insect repellent. When I host an outdoor dinner party I enjoy diffusing small amounts of Rosemary oil to help create a bug free time. Rosemary Oil is found in Young Livings Insect repellent which is clinically tested to repel mosquitoes and ticks and to prevent bug bites.
Does rosemary oil have any side effects?
While ingesting rosemary herb is safe, the same is not true for rosemary oil. Rosemary oil is highly concentrated, and consuming it can lead to digestive issues, kidney damage, and bleeding of the uterus. It can also cause skin sensitivity and increased redness of the skin.
You should also avoid using rosemary oil if you are on anticoagulants or ACE inhibitors.
Rosemary oil is also known to act as a diuretic. So avoid using it if you are already on diuretics.
Using rosemary is also known to increase lithium levels in the body, so people who have been prescribed lithium for depression should avoid using it.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using rosemary oil.
If you want to ingest Rosemary oil. It's best to use the Young Living Vitality line. The Vitality essential oil line is made and labeled specifically for essential oils you want to ingest.

How to use rosemary oil?
Now that you know what is rosemary oil good for, you must also learn how to use it correctly and safely. If you plan to use rosemary oil for any of the issues mentioned above, my advice to you would be to start slowly, use as directed, and discontinue if any side effects appear. Always use the least amount of essential oil possible to get the desired result.
You can inhale rosemary oil or use it topically, but avoid consuming it as it is highly concentrated. Here are a few guidelines for using rosemary essential oil –
Inhalation is the most popular way to use rosemary oil. You can diffuse a few drops in your diffuser or simply open the bottle and inhale. Alternatively, you can put a few drops of rosemary oil on a tissue and hold it near your nose.
Topical application of rosemary oil
Rosemary oil can work wonders when used topically. You can use it on your scalp, face, and other parts of your body, depending on the problem you are trying to solve. It is always recommended to dilute rosemary oil before usage since it is highly concentrated.
How much oil is required depends on who will be using it.
- For babies, you can dilute one drop of rosemary oil in one tablespoon of carrier oil.
- Children, one drop of rosemary oil in one teaspoon of carrier oil is enough.
- For adults, you can add three to four drops of rosemary oil in one teaspoon of carrier oil.
Rosemary uses are not restricted to only direct inhalation and topical application.
Rosemary oil is found in the Young Living insect repellent. Which has a great scent and I love using it with my family.
In fact, you can also use Rosemary oil to make a natural cleaning spray for your kitchen and bathroom. It can also be used to create an amazing smelling DIY natural deodorant recipe.

Rosemary aromatherapy blends
You can also blend rosemary oil with other essential oils and use it topically or aromatically. The herbaceous aroma of rosemary oil blends well with citrus oils like wild orange and lemon. In the same way, Rosemary essential oil also blends well with floral oils like jasmine and lavender. If you prefer a warm, woodsy scent, you can mix it with frankincense and cedarwood oils.
Now that you know all about rosemary essential oil diffuser benefits, Next on the list is to try these diffuser blends we have created for you –

Rosemary diffuser recipes
All you need to make many of these amazing diffuser recipes is the Young Living Premium Starter Kit with the diffuser. To try all of the recipes you will need Lemon vitality, Basil, Orange Vitality, Lavender Vitality, Rosemary Vitality, Peppermint Vitality, Frankincense Vitality, Cinnamon Vitality, Jasmine, Grapefruit Vitality, Spearmint Oil, Eucalyptus, Juniper and Cedarwood oils.
I suggest the vitality oils only because they come in the 5ml size.
- Young Living Premium Starter Kit with Desert Mist Diffuser
- Rosemary Essential oil
Add one of the below recipes to your diffuser
Fill the diffuser with water following your diffuser's directions
Turn on the diffuser and run for 30 minutes at a time.
Memory boost
Rosemary oil - 4 drops
Lemon oil - 4 drops
Basil oil - 1 drop
Stress less
Rosemary oil - 3 drops
Lavender oil - 2 drops
Lemon oil -3 drops
Perk up
Rosemary oil - 3 drops
Peppermint oil -3 drops
Lemon oil - 3 drops
Orange oil - 3 drops
Rosemary oil - 2 drops
Eucalyptus oil - 3 drops
Peppermint oil - 3 drops
Lemon oil -2 drops
Spice up
Rosemary oil - 1 drop
Frankincense oil - 2 drops
Cinnamon oil - 2 drops
Rosemary oil - 3 drops
Jasmine oil - 4 drops
Grapefruit oil - 4 drops
Rosemary oil -3 drops
Frankincense oil - 3 drops
Basil oil - 2 drops
Sun and sand
Rosemary oil -4 drops
Spearmint oil - 3 drops
Peppermint oil - 2 drops
Lavender oil - 1 drop
Head uplift
Rosemary oil - 2 drops
Lavender oil - 1 drop
Eucalyptus oil - 1 drop
Out in the forest
Rosemary oil - 4 drops
Cedarwood oil - 3 drops
Lemon oil -2 drops
Juniper berry oil - 2 drops
Some FAQs about rosemary essential oil
Does rosemary help you sleep?
Rosemary oil has a stimulating effect. The feeling is often described as energizing and invigorating. This is the opposite of what you need to sleep. In other words, it is best to avoid this oil for sleep.
Is it ok to use a diffuser every day?
Too much of a good thing is not always good. Even diffusing essential oils can cause a bad reaction if you use them too often. Importantly, this is true even if you are not allergic or overly sensitive to it.
What are the oils that blend well with rosemary oil?
Rosemary oil blends well with frankincense, lavender oil, basil, thyme, peppermint oil, cedarwood, petitgrain, tea tree oil, citrus oils, and spice oils.
How do you use rosemary oil in a diffuser?
After you pour cold water into your diffuser tank, add three to ten drops of rosemary essential oil to your diffuser. If you are diffusing in a smaller room, you may need just three to four drops of essential oil.
Final notes
Rosemary is one of the most popular scents for aromatherapy. The woodsy aroma of rosemary essential oil has the ability to calm the body and energize your mind. Rosemary aromatherapy can help reduce muscle overuse, relieve mental fatigue and gastric stress, and boost your memory and energy levels.
In conclusion, while you can use rosemary aromatically and topically, it is advisable not to use it internally. Therefore, if you are taking certain medications like diuretics and anticoagulants, consult your healthcare provider before using rosemary oil.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.