How to Purchase a Young Living Starter Bundle and become a Customer
A Young Living Membership is so easy to create and I'm going to show you how. The best part is Young Living makes it easy to become a customer by creating the perfect start bundles so that whatever your needs there is a great way to get started.
In this post, we are going to cover what you are really signing up for when you become a Young Living Customer and how you can avoid mistakes and sign up with your best interest in mind.
You might be wondering, what does it cost to join Young Living?
You have two options, you can join as a retail customer which is FREE. As a retail customer, you pay the full retail price for any product you purchase.
If you want to be a wholesale customer and purchase products at 25% off retail plus get freebies and other great benefits you will need to purchase a Starter bundle to qualify as a wholesale customer member. Young Living Starter bundles range in price $35 – $250

Steps to get started as a Young Living Customer
1st- go to the Young living Sign up page.
2nd- Pick the Starter Bundle that best fits your needs.
I personally like the Premium Starter Kit with the Desert Mist diffuser. But if you click the tab above that kit that says “Other Premium kits” or the “Basic Kits” there are 13 others to choose from. Including international kits.
Remember you also have the option to purchase as a retail customer where you pay the full retail price. If you don't want to purchase a bundle.
3rd- Select if you want to sign up for essential rewards. (aka the Subscribe to save) this is not required but if you want free shipping on your starter bundle and know you will want to order more next month you can chose this option.
4th- Click NEXT to Continue Enrollment or you can select to add more product to your order.
5th- Enter all your purchase information. Remember to write down your password and 4 digit code for future use.
6th- Make sure the # 3177383 is in the spot for your requested Enroller and Sponsor. This allows me to be your support team and gets you all the great bonus goodies I give my Customers.
7th-Click to agree to the Terms and Conditions.
8th- Follow the rest of the prompts for shipping and purchasing your bundle. Once you are a member, Young Living will send me an email letting me know you are now in my care. You should receive a Welcome email from me with all the info you need to get your oil education going.
What you need to know before signing up for a Young Living Membership
I have been in your shoes and if you are like me you have tons of questions that you want answered before you make the leap into signing up for a membership with Young Living. Below I answer some my top questions I had as a new potential Customer and some super popular ones I see holding people back from signing up.

What is the difference between being a Young Living Member and a Young Living Customer?
First, I want to clear up some confusing terminology. A Young Living Member as of the start of 2021 is now called a Young Living Customer.
Why the change? Well, it makes it easier for you, our new customer, to understand that we never require you to sell oils.
You are our customer first and foremost. You selling oils is NOT our number one goal.
We want you to enjoy and reap the benefits of using oils without the fear of being made to sell. That said, if you want to sell oils that is an option and you just need to become what we call a Young Living Brand Partner. More on that in another post.
Is picking your Young Living Enroller really important?
If you are totally new to using essential oils, Yes I think it is important.
It all starts with picking who you want as your guide for learning oils. I suggest picking someone like me. Someone who is there to help guide you along the way. If you pick the right Enroller they will teach you how to use essential oils in whatever way you want to use them.
Now, you can sign up for a membership on the Young Living site without picking an enroller. But then, Young Living will pick a random Brand Partner to be your enroller, who wants to take chances like that?
When I'm your enroller, we go at your pace and your needs. I will never make you feel less than for how much or how little you buy or how you use your oils.
You tell me your needs and we seriously go from there.
I don't have a perfectly healthy lifestyle does that matter?
Newsflash, I don't have the perfect healthy lifestyle so I don't expect you to have one either. I will never shame you for how you live. I know there is a belief out there that if you use oils your some perfect healthy green person.
Nope, it don't work like that.
Trust me there are times I use normal everyday laundry detergent instead of something non-toxic and green perfect. Or I run through the McDonalds drive-thru because my kids are hungry instead of throwing an apple in the backseat. So I'm far from perfect but every little chance I get I do try and be the best I can be in that moment.
But Perfect healthy lifestyle is not required.
I kind of just want some oils and be left alone. Will you harass me with tons of unwanted communication?
I seriously told my enroller don't you bother me. I just want my oils and want to be left alone. Not interested in drinking your crazy MLM Kool-Aid.
I get if you are the kind of person that just wants some oils but NOT into talking to a total stranger. I was the more leave me alone I got this, kind of new member.
Truth, I will send you one welcome email with some important info and then you can choose from there to ignore me or email me back so we can chat back and forth. I will not hunt you down like a rabid dog.
For the do it yourselfers and well everyone in my care, I have a Free Oil app that is available to all my members and Brand Partners so you can have the oil knowledge you need right there on your phone.
This app is totally FREE. No need for Facebook Groups, or other social media. Just open the app for the latest info on oils. It's an introvert's dream. I should know because I am one.
Bottom line, picking your enroller if you want help learning oils or if you want to become a Brand Partner is important and I'd be honored to be that person for you. If you just want some oils and want an enroller that won't harass you I'm the enroller for you too.
What is the price for a Young Living Membership?
To become a member with Young Living you can be a retail customer which is free and you pay the retail price for your orders. If you want to enjoy the wholesale pricing and/or be apart of the subscription box then you need to purchase a starter bundle which ranges from $35- $250
When I enroll with Young Living do I have to sell oils?
NO. You are never under any obligation to sell or distribute oils.
When you become a member, the choice of selling oils is totally up to you.
Over 90% of my personally enrolled members have never sold oils and don't want to sell oils. And that is totally okay. I never pressure members to sell. They are purely members because they enjoy using Young Living products and they order whenever they want and how much they want.
I'm here to support you as a brand partner with Young Living no matter if you become a Brand Partner like me or if you just love and use oils.
Do I have to sign up for the subscription box?
NO. You are never required to sign up for the Young Living Subscription box, also known as Essential Rewards.
Look, if your just going to use oils here and there the subscription box is probably not going to be in your best interest. So I say don't sign up.
If you want to switch out some products in your home with healthier versions that Young Living sells. Such as, Shampoo, body washes, laundry soap, Baby care products, toothpaste, Vitamin Supplements, makeup and etc. then signing up for a Subscription Box makes perfect sense.
Why? Because you can save between 10-25% on your order based on how long you have been a member of the subscription box.
This savings in on top of your wholesale amount.
I've personally been a member of the subscription box for over 5 years and I've saved a ton of money getting high-quality All- natural products delivered to my door without the hassle of going to a store. I like that.
Is there a monthly fee to be a Young Living Member?
No Monthly Fee. Order when you want and how much you want.
There is the option to be apart of the monthly subscribe and save, Subscription box and the only requirement for it is to put 50pv or more of the product you want in your box for shipping. You can cancel this subscribe and save box at any time. (what is PV? Young Living sells product all over the world so PV stands for product value. It enables YL to keep us using the same terminology across the world no matter the currency we use.)
Can I cancel my Young Living Membership?
Your Young Living membership expires when you don't place a qualifying order of 50pv or more within a year. So don't want any more Young Living product? Just don't buy it. super easy.

How can I help you as your enroller?
I want to use oils to clean my house, can you help me?
Don't worry I have you covered, I will share tons of recipes with you so you don't have to spend crazy amounts of time searching for cleaning recipes that work.
I want to use oils to support my body in a healthier lifestyle, got any info on how to do that?
Yes, I have tons of recipes that are tried and true using essential oil products that I can share with you as your enroller. Plus, Young Living has a wide range of natural products and supplements that you can use if you you are not into creating DIY products. I can help put you on the right path for what you need.
Final Thoughts on buying essential oils
With so many options with Young Living finding the right product to fit your needs can be an easy process. But if you find at anytime it is confusing feel free to reach out to me on Instagram @byoilydesign I am happy to connect with you the PMs so we can get you started right!